Gain a practical knowledge of the operating principles, as well as of the selection, sizing and equipment choice methods applicable to unit operations for fluid/fluid separation.

Main themes
- Diffusion theory. Fick's law and Stefan's law. Convective and molecular transfer coefficients. Analogy between heat and mass transfer.
- Continuous and batch distillation of binary and multi-component mixtures. Graphical (McCabe and Thiele) and numerical sizing methods. Simplified ("shortcut") and rigorous methods. Trayed column design (equipment, efficiency and capacity).
- Absorption of one or more components into a liquid, with of without a chemical reaction. Stripping. Packed column hydrodynamics. Different types of packing and absorbers.
- Liquid-liquid extraction. Single stage and multiple stages, with or without reflux. Extractor types and selection criteria. Supercritical extraction.
- Solid-liquid extraction basics (the principles and equipment).
- Using the ASPEN + process simulator for each of the above techniques.

Content and teaching methods
Study of the fluid/fluid separation techniques : gas absorption into liquids, stripping, distillation, liquid/liquid and solid/liquid extraction. For each of these techniques, the following elements will be presented :
equilibrium between phases of interest;
sizing methods;
industrial applications and equipment.
The theoretical considerations will be illustrated by practical work sessions relying on the use of the process simulation software ASPEN+.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil chimiste
(5 credits)
