Give to the students the main aspects of the dynamic behaviour of soils

Main themes
Provide engineering students basic notions concerning seismic and vibration problems connected with soils.
- Vibration phenomena due to earthquakes and man-made sources
- Soil behavior under cyclic and dynamic loading
- Integrate basic engineering disciplines (soil mechanics, constitutive modeling, dynamics) to analyze seismic impact on soil and structures
- Assess feasibility and select best available design to limit impact of earthquake on civil engineering structures and to remediate vibration issues

Content and teaching methods
- Natural and man-made sources of cyclic and dynamic loading: earthquakes, pile impact and vibratory driving, traffic, vibrating and impact machines
- Soil behavior under cyclic and dynamic loading: pore pressure generation, soil degradation, soil liquefaction, laboratory and in-situ testing
- Dynamic behavior of foundations: spread footings, piles, low-strain and high-strain dynamic tests
- Seismic stability of civil engineering structures: soil-structure interaction, response and design spectra, foundations, slope stability, retaining walls
- Vibration criteria and mitigation
Lectures are delivered in auditoria; specific topics can be developed by individual students

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisit :AUCE 1175, Dynamics

Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil des constructions
(2 credits)
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