Study objectives
The Bachelor's programme of Sociology and Anthropology aims to :
provide the students with a
theoretical grounding in Sociology and Anthropology and give them
the substantial methodological elements of sociological and
anthropological analysis of empirical social phenomena, in particular
via participation in practical research and on-the-field contact
situate the special approach of the discipline, both in terms of its specificity and its complementarity, with respect to the
approach of other disciplines, especially Philosophy,
Economy, Politics, History and Psychology
develop the students' capacities of critical analysis, reasoning and personal judgement
help the students to develop their
capacity to reflect on the constitution of knowledge, on an
epistemological as well as a historical and sociological
initiate them in
and individual study, by means of an active pedagogical
approach which leaves considerable room for personal and group work and
for the acquisition of skills in oral and written communication
train the students to
elaborate reports, respecting the rules of presentation as much as of content
( a necessary skill for embarking on the job-market as well as on the master's programme ).
On a general level,
the first year
is dedicated to
the acquisition of basic knowledge in the main disciplines of Human
Sciences and to a session on university study approaches and
the second year is dedicated
to the acquisition of primordial methodological tools and conceptual groundings in Sociology and Anthroplology
and the third
year is
dedicated to the pursuit of the acquisition of fundamental theories and
theoretical and
methodological tools, as well as to a research work of a more personal
nature in the context of a practical seminar on more specific research,
revolving around the
principal orientations of Sociology and Anthropology.

General presentation of the programme
The first year of the bachelor's programme consists of a
common pool of Faculty subjects, as well as specific courses in
and in Anthroplogy. Thanks to the common pool of subjects, after the
January session, the student has the possibility to re-orient
himself towards another programme in the Faculty.
The three year programme corresponds to 180
credits, and comprises a major of 150 credits and an option of 30
So as to widen his intellectual and professional
horizons, the student may choose a minor (30 credits) which will enable
him to discover another subject ; he may likewise choose to go more deeply
into his major by means of an ensemble of options (30
The choice of the minor and the options selected by the student must be approved by the Programme Supervisor.
The choice of the minor will also facilitate re-orientation when it comes to choosing the master's programme.
The role of the Programme Supervisor and the Study
Advisor is important with respect to subject choice
advice ...).
Minors or other available options (30 Credits)
The student will complete his programme by choosing :
corresponding to 15 credits in the 2nd year and 15 credits in the 3rd year
a minor (30 Credits) to be selected from among the ensemble of minors offered by UCL.
The choice of the minor or the options must be approved by the Programme Supervisor.

Ongoing evaluation : exercices and personal pieces of work
Exams take both written and oral forms

Admission to the programme
The programme is accessible to those possessing a
certificate in secondary school education (see "Access to Studies" part of
the programme for a description of the admission conditions
and their special cases).
The conditions and regular admission requirements are specified on the web page "Access to Studies":

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
The bachelor's of Sociology and Anthropology opens
direct access to the master's of Sociology or the master's of
Anthropology, delivered by any university institution within the French-speaking
Community in Belgium.
Other studies accessible upon completion of the programme
The bachelor's degree in Sociology and Anthropology entitles access to
the masters organised by other Departments of the Faculty of Economic
Sciences, Social and Political Sciences or of other Faculties,
subject to respect of the conditions and prerequisites specified for
these programmes. In the case of lacking credits, these can be
made up either by being added to the master's programme (if the number
of lacking credits does not surpass 15 credits), or by doing an extra
complementary or preparatory year before embarking on the master's

Useful contacts
Programme management
SESP Secrétariat du 1er cycle (ESPO)
Program Supervisor : Professeur C. de Visscher
Contact person for ESPO: Anne-Françoise Mariscal, Chantal Herman
Study Advisor
Cécile Delannay
Exam Juries
President : Michel Dorban
Secretary : Jean-Marie Yante
List of accessible minors
Minor in Theology
Minor in Philosophy
Minor in Law
Minor in Criminology
Minor in Information and Communication (*)
Minor in Political Sciences
Minor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Economics
Minor in Economics (opening)
Minor in Business Studies
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Hispanic Studies (*)
Minor in Italian Studies(*)
Minor in French Studies(*)
Minor in Latin Studies
Minor in Greek Studies
Minor in Oriental Studies
Minor in Literature Studies
Minor in History
Minor in Medieval Studies
Minor in History of Art and Archaeology (*)
Minor in Musicology
Minor in Psychology and Education (*)
Minor in Human Nutrition (*)
Minor in General Biomedical Sciences (*)
Minor in Clinical Biomedical Sciences (*)
Minor in Medication Sciences (*)
Minor in Physical Activiy, Health and Culture of movement (*)
Minor in Geography (*)
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Urban Architecture
Minor in Mathematics and Mathematical Applications
Minor in Scientific Culture
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Culture and Creation
Minor in European Studies
(*) Minor with access criteria.
