Study objectives
General objectives
The bachelor's programme offers a
general approach to computing science
the context of a basic university training course. The bachelor's
programme in Computing Science leads to the title of " Bachelor of
Computing Science". Upon completion of this first cycle of studies, the
student will be able to access the master's programme in Computing
The university programme in Computing Science trains
future specialists capable of creating and elaborating efficient computing systems
to satisfy the numerous and ever-increasing needs in our society. It thus
trains futur creators (" software
architects ")
rather than builders. The bachelor's
programme in Computing Science aims at the acquisition of
the following
technical competence and skills
In-depth comprehension of the basic essentials for creating and producing
simple computer applications
Mastery of the foundations of computing technologies
Development of reasoning and abstraction abilities, necessary for the creation of these applications
Mastery of the mathematical techniques needed to carry out such reasoning
Acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for the future " master's in Computing
Science" which will be orientated towards the engineering of complex
software applications
Attainment of lasting 'know-how', readily adaptable to the constant evolutions in computing: learning how to learn.
Computing science is the scientific and technical
knowledge and skills that the student in computing science has to
acquire to be able to become a professional computer scientist. This
also includes other "life-tools", since these university
studies aim to develop other skills, creativity and a critical mind.
studies, therefore, also train students to become
responsible human beings
, capable of apprehending the complex
world into which computing science is inserted and to take decisions
which are both technically sound and humanly responsible. The bachelor's
programme in Computing Sciences thus also aims at the acquisition
areas of competence :
Comprehension of
the mechanisms which govern the socio-economic and/or technical
environment in which a given computing application has to
be integrated
Integration of technical competence and skills in a pluridisciplinary context
Development of
intellectual curiosity, a synthetic mind, the
capacity for critical reflection, sound communication skills and the
ability to organise and manage course studies and learning
Objectives of the foundation studies
The objective of the foundation studies is to help
the student to acquire a certain amount of special competence and
related to Computing, Mathematics, the Basic Sciences and techniques, Economics and Management, Human Sciences and English.

General presentation of the programme
The student who enrols for the bachelor's programme in Computing Science will follow a programme of
180 credits, usually spread over 3 years. This
programme entitles access to the master's of Computing Science for 120 credits, usually spread over 2 years.
The programme includes a major of 150 credits and a minor of 30 credits.
major consists of a
general polyvalent
course of 82 credits and a course in Computing Science of 68
credits.The general polyvalent studies provide a solid training in
Economics, Management and Human Sciences (34 credits) and in
Mathematics (32 credits).
The proposed
be a minor "
imported" from another bachelor's programme (e.g. a minor in Management,
a minor in Linguistics, a minor in Bio-engineering, a
minor in Philosophy, a minor in Mathematics and Mathematical
Applications, or a minor in Statistics). Alternatively, the student
could choose a coherent set of options offered at UCL,
subject to the approval of the Committee for the Bachelor of
Computing Science.
A minor in Business Studies, specific to the bachelor's
Computing Science, has been jointly drawn up with the Faculty of
Economics, Social and Political Sciences. In addition to the clear
interest this holds for those future computer specialists wishing to strengthen
"business" dimension of the course, it also entitles access to the
master's of
Business Science.
A significant part of the course in Computing Science
will focus on acquiring learning techniques through solving problems. In
other words, the elaboration of two projects will facilitate the
integration of the various elements of the course work covered and
confront the student with the patterns and aspects
of small-scale projects (via laboratory work in the first year),
and then
medium-scale projects (via a project elaborated during the second
quadrimester of the second year).
The Computing-related components of the programme fulfil
the standard norms of the curricula determined by the international company
experts in this domain (ACM, IEEE). This fosters student mobility to
or from the numerous universities offering programmes which conform to
these norms.
Principal Subjects
Computing Studies - 69 credits
Mathematics- 32 credits
Economics and Management - 25 credits
Science and Techniques - 10 credits
Human Sciences - 8 credits
English - 6 credits
Minor - 30 credits

The course content and activities are evaluated in
accordance with the prevailing rules of the University (c.f. exam
regulations). Most of the courses include at least one evaluation
during the course of the quadrimester (ongoing evaluation ), in
addition to the final examination sessions (in January, June or
September). The evaluations are in written or oral form. The specific
evaluation details and procedures for all the courses are presented at the
beginning of each period of studies.

Positioning of the programme
Access to the master's of Computing Science
The bachelor's programme in Computing Science entitles direct access to the master's of Computing Science.
Access to the master's of Business Science
Students from the bachelor programme in Computing
Science who have followed the minor in Business Studies (specific to
bachelor's in Computing Science) will have direct
access to the master's in Business Science. This access requires a
complement in Business studies and Languages, of 15 credits, to be
added to the master's programme, (special dispensations can be obtained
for the language studies). Il also requires to complete a one week
practical experience.
The programme fulfils the harmonisation rules drawn up
by the CFB universities ; the degree awarded upon
completion of the programme therefore entitles access, without the need
for any complementary prerequisities, to the master's programme in Computing
Science in any one of these universities.
The computing-related components of the programme fulfil the standard norms of the curricula laid down by the international
company experts in this domain, (ACM, IEEE). This fosters student
mobility to or from the numerous universities offering programmes which
conform to these norms.
In the context of the master studies in Computing
Science at UCL, the student also has the right to participate in the
Erasmus/Socrates exchange programmes which UCL has subscribed to,
together with universities from numerous European or
extra-European countries, as well as with the Catholic University of
Leuven (KUL).

Useful contacts
Programme management
FSA Faculté des sciences appliquées
Secretary's office for the Bachelor's Programme of Computing Sciences
Address : 1, rue Archimède
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Fax : +32 10 47 24 66
Department of Computer Engineering
Address : Place Sainte Barbe 2 - 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: + 32 10 47 31 50
Fax: + 32 10 45 03 45
Contact person
C. Poncin, tel : 010 47 31 76 - email : Chantal.Poncin@uclouvain.be
Study Advisor
C. Poncin, tel : 010 47 31 76 - email : Chantal.Poncin@uclouvain.be
Exam Juries
President: P. Sobieski
Secretary: B. Le Charlier
List of accessible minors
Minor in Theology
Minor in Philosophy
Minor in Law
Minor in Criminology
Minor in Information and Communication (*)
Minor in Political Sciences
Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
Minor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Economics
Minor in Business Studies
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Hispanic Studies (*)
Minor in Italian Studies (*)
Minor in French Studies (*)
Minor in Latin Studies
Minor in Greek Studies
Minor in Oriental Studies
Minor in Literature Studies
Minor in History
Minor in Medieval Studies
Minor in History of Art and Archaeology (*)
Minor in Musicology
Minor in Psychology and Education (*)
Minor in Human Nutrition
Minor in General Biomedical Sciences
Minor in Clinical Biomedical Sciences
Minor in Medication Sciences (*)
Minor in Physical Activity, Health and Culture of Movement (*)
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Geography
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Urban Architecture
Minor in Bio-engineering
Minor in Biomedical Engineering
Minor in Mathematics and Mathematical Applications
Minor in Scientific Culture
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Culture and Creation
Minor in European Studies
(*) Minor with access criteria.
