Study objectives
Biomedical Sciences focus on the study of the
fundamental mechanisms of life, on the physiopathology of human diseases and on the
research of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Biomedical Sciences prepare the student for fundamental, applied
or clinical research in multi-disciplinary teams and milieux
as diverse as the university, the hospital or the
The bachelor's of Biomedical Sciences prepares for
the development of experimental approaches in domains such as
cellular and molecular biology, nutrition, toxicology and applied or clinical Biomedical
Sciences. The bachelor's programme aims at the acquisition of
knowledge necessary in a profession where intellectual
rigour is needed : a keen sense of observation,
the capacity to understand and process data, a critical analysis of the
collected data. All of these skills will be acquired thanks to
the practical part of the course-work.

General presentation of the programme
The bachelor's of Biomedical Sciences totals 180 credits.
The " major " of the programme consists of a basic course of 60 credits (1st year) and a specialised
training course (2nd and 3rd year) of at least 90
The major is completed by a course equivalent to 30
credits, which may be an option selected from "the options menu" (more advanced studies in Biomedical Sciences) or a "
minor " (an opening course in other disciplines). The course of 30 credits may
be followed together with the specialised course.
Principal Subjects
The bachelor's studies enable the student to apprehend
the world of the living, from a single atom to the whole of society
toms, molecules and the systems which govern them
General and Organic Chemistry - Biochemistry - Applied Physics - Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics - Mathematics.
From a single cell to a human being
Morphological and Functional Approach : General Cellular
and Molecular Biology, - Cytology and Histology- Anatomy - Embryology -
Immunology - Physiology - Microbiology - General Pathology.
Man and society
Contextual Approach : Philosophy - Psychology.
Research experience
Statistics - Strategies and applied models - Genetic Engineering - Instrumental Analysis.
Other studies
Minors or other options available
During the bachelor's of Biomedical
Sciences, personally selected options will give the student the
opportunity to become more familiar with the different branches available at master's level.
Instead of the options, the bachelor's may also include a "minor" which will enable the
student to open up new horizons.

Acquisition of the course content is evaluated in accordance with the prevailing University rules and
regulations (c.f. exam reglementation). Exams are
organised at the end of the course session periods (January, June) as well as
in September. Evaluation of the practical tasks and work experience
also take the form of ongoing evaluation.

Admission to the programme

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
The bachelor's degree entitles access to the master's of Biomedical Sciences which comprises four sections
: Applied Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Biomedical Sciences, Human
Nutrition and Toxicology.
Furthermore, there is sufficient homogeneity within the
programmes offered by the different schools of the Faculty of
Medecine (MED, FARM, DENT, SBIM, IEPR) to make re-orientation
possible during the bachelor's studies by means of additional complementary
Other studies accessible upon completion of the programme
Other masters offered by the Faculty of Medecine, as well
as certain programmes in the Faculty of Sciences, may be accessible,
subject to certain prerequisites.

Useful contacts
Programme management
SBIM Ecole des sciences biomédicales
President: Jean-Noël Octave, tel. 32-2-27645020
Administration Manager: Marie-France Zabus, tel. 32-2-27645031
Secretary: Laurence Bertrand et Nadine Bussy, tel. 32-2-27645020
Presidents of the Exam Juries : 2004-2005
1st year of the Bachelor's 1 :
President of the jury : M.C. Many
Secretary of the jury : P. Depovere
2nd year of the Bachelor 2 :
President of the jury : P. Courtoy
Secretary of the jury : Th. Michiels
Teaching Committee
J.-P. Buts, P. Courtoy, M. Francaux, Ph. Hantson, E.
Hermans, Y. Larondelle, Ph. Lefèvre, G. Leloup, D. Maiter, J.-N.
Octave (président), J.-Chr. Renauld, A. Robert, J.-P. Thissen,
R.Tonglet, Ph. Van Den Bosch Sanchez De Aguilar, Cl. Veraart, P.
Wallemacq, M.-Fr. Zabus and 3 representatives of the students.
Study Advisor
The study advisor assists the student in the elaboration
of his training programme in accordance with his previous studies and
his personal ambitions.
Study Advisor :
1st year : Véronique Godin (Tél. 32-2-7645078 - 7257, godin@pedm.ucl.ac.be, Centre faculté -1)
2nd year : Pascal Kienlen - Campard
(Tél. 32-2-7649338,
List of accessible minors
Minor in Theology
Minor in Philosophy
Minor in Law
Minor in Criminology
Minor in Information and Communication (*)
Minor in Political Sciences
Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
Minor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Economics (opening)
Minor in Business Studies
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Hispanic Studies (*)
Minor in Italian Studies (*)
Minor in French Studies (*)
Minor in Latin Studies
Minor in Greek Studies
Minor in Oriental Studies
Minor in Literature Studies
Minor in History
Minor in Medieval Studies
Minor in the Histoy of Art and Archaeology (*)
Minor in Musicology
Minor in Psychology and Education (*)
Minor in Medication (*)
Minor in Physical Activity, Health and Culture of Movement (*)
Minor in Geography (*)
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Urban Architecture
Minor in Computer Science (*)
Minor in Bio-engineering
Minor in Mathematics and Mathematical Applications
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Culture and Creation
Minor in European Studies
(*) Minor with access criteria.
