Available as a single programme in itself with minors, or as a reinforcement
module in Physics, it comprises theoretical courses, exercices sessions, laboratory work and/or
supervised study, and the accomplishment of a personal piece of work (project).
The first year is entirely in common with the bachelor's programme of Mathematical Science.
The possible choice of a minor is made as from the
3rd quadrimester. The minors on offer, at this stage, are : the
minor in Mathematics (SC/MATH) and in Applied Sciences and Engineering : Applied
Chemistry and Physics (FSA/MAPR).
The student may also choose another minor from
the University programme list, on the basis of a project to
be elaborated together with the study advisor.
Instead of doing a minor, the student may
complete his programme with a complementary training programme in
Physics for 30 credits, equally spread over the 2nd and 3rd years. This
module comprises both compulsory and optional courses.
Language courses accompany the programme and are aimed at mastering scientific English.
Principal Subjects
The major in Physics comprises the elements listed below and totals 150
credits. The courses
numbered must be followed in order ; the details of the
prerequisites feature in the specifications of each of the courses.
General Physics (1-2-3) : 37 credits
Actualities in Mathematics and Physics (2 credits)
General Physics 1 (8 credits)
General Physics 2 (8 credits)
General Physics 3 (4 credits)
Classical and Optical Electromagnetism (4 credits)
Integrated Exercises (4 credits)
Supervised tasks and personal project (7 credits)
Theorical and Mathematical Physics (22 credits)
Quantum Mechanics 1 (5 credits)
Quantum Mechanics 2 (5 credits)
Mathematical Methods in Physics (4 credits)
Limited Relativity (4 credits)
General Relativity (4 credits)
Atoms and Molecules, Nuclei, Particules (6 credits)
Atoms and Molecules (3 credits)
Elementary Nuclei and particules (3 credits)
Macroscopic and Statistical Physics (12 credits)
Statistical and Thermodynamic Physics 1 (4 credits, including 1 credit in Chemistry)
Statistical and Thermodynamic Physics 2 (4 credits, including 1 credit in Chemistry)
Physics of fluids 1 (3 credits)
Physics of fluids 2 (3 credits)
Astronomy and Geophysics (2 credits)
Experimental and Numerical Physics (15 credits)
Numerical Calculations: Methods and Software Tools (7 credits)
Computing and Numerical Methods (4 credits)
Numerical Simulation in Physics (4 credits)
Mathematics (43 credits)
Mathematical Analysis 1 (5 credits)
Mathematical Analysis 2 (5 credits)
Linear Algebra (8 credits)
Geometry 1 (7 credits)
Mathematical Methods in Classical Mechanics 1 (5 credits)
Complex Analysis (4 credits)
Mathematical Methods in Classical Mechanics 2 (4 credits)
Probability Calculations and Statistical Analysis (5 credits)
Chemistry (2 credits, c.f. Statistical and Thermodynamic Physics 1 et 2)
Optional courses, including Chemistry (3 credits)
English (6 credits)
Philosophy (2 credits)
Minors or other available options
In addition to the major in Physics, the students have three other possibilities :
to opt for more in-depth studies in Physics (30 credits), with
complements in the different sub-disciplines of Physics
or to opt for a minor in Mathematics, Geography or Applied Sciences and Engineering : Applied Physics and Chemistry
or to opt for another
minor from the University programme list, on the basis of a project to be elabored together with the study advisor.
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
The bachelor's degree in Physical Sciences entitles
automatic access to the master's of Physical Sciences, orientated towards
the domains of their applications (Medical Physics, Industrial Physics,
Meteorology, Simulation Methods, etc.), towards research (doctorate) or towards
("agrégation"), or towards the master's of Spatial Sciences ( not organised at UCL).
Other studies accessible upon completion of the programme
Subject to the completion of an appropriate minor, the bachelor's degree entitles direct access to certain orientations
of the master's of Mathematical Science and Applied
Sciences and Engineering-Physical Engineering (possibly by means of an adapted
Programme management
PHYS Département de physique
Contact : Nathalie Micha
and the Department of Physics
Study Advisor
B. Piraux et Ph. Ruelle
Exam Juries
1st year
President : Jean Mawhin
Secretary : Jan Govaerts
2nd year
President : Still to be determined
Secretary : Still to be determined
3nd year
President : Still to be determined
Secretary : Still to be determined
List of accessible
Minor in Theology
Minor in Philosophy
Minor in Law
Minor in Criminology
Minor in Information and Communication (*)
Minor in Political Sciences
Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
Minor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Economics
Minor in Business Studies
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Hispanic Studies (*)
Minor in Italian Studies (*)
Minor in French Studies (*)
Minor in Latin Studies
Minor in Greek Studies
Minor in Oriental Studies
Minor in Literature Studies
Minor in History
Minor in Medieval Studies
Minor in History of Art and Archaeology (*)
Minor in Musicology
Minor in Psychology and Education (*)
Minor in Human Nutrition
Minor in General Biomedical Sciences
Minor in Medication Sciences (*)
Minor in Physical Activity, Health and Culture of Movement (*)
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Geography
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Engineering Sciences : Applied Chemistry and Physics
Minor in Engineering Sciences : Construction
Minor in Engineering Sciences : Electricity
Minor in Engineering Sciences : Applied Mathematics
Minor in Engineering Sciences : Mechanics
Minor in Urban Architecture
Minor in Computing Science (*)
Minor in Biomedical Engineering
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Culture and Creation
Minor in European Studies
(*) Minor with access criteria.