Study objectives
This programme aims at developing the students' capacity
for reflection, critical analysis and decision-making in the domains of
Economic and Busines Sciences, of Sciences and of Technology.
It is based, on the one hand, on the acquisition of
knowledge within the disciplines of Economic Science, Business Engineering
Sciences and Social Sciences, the Exact Sciences and Technology, and, on
the other hand, on the know-how acquired through a pedagogical
approach which fosters the active participation of the students in
their own training. This approach is rooted in the reality of economic life and organisations.
On a general level, one year is dedicated to the
acquisition of knowledge in the general disciplines belonging of the
ESPO Faculty and the Exact Sciences, one year is dedicated to the
specific developments of of those disciplines with respect to Economic
Analysis and Business Science, and one year is dedicated to the study
of economic and business problems and methods as well as to the study
of technologies. In comparison with the bachelor's programme of
Economic and Business Sciences, this programme is much more clearly
orientated towards the study and application of the quantative methods
of Business Engineering.

General presentation of the programme
The programme is organised in the form of one single line of
studies of 180 credits, into which are integrated
26 credits in Sciences and Technology.
The programme comprises courses in Sciences and
Technology, and an intensive course in Mathematics and Statistics.
Nevertheless, the programme is still conceived in such a way as to
satisfy the minimum demands of each of the subjects within the pool
of subjects common to the ESPO. This thus allows for the same possibilities of
re-orientation as the other ESPO bachelor programmes, thanks to the
recognition of the equivalence of the credits.
In addition, those students admitted - after the selection
process - to the " Creating a Company" orientation, must add one extra
course to their programme for ( a maximum of ) 9
credits. This "Creating a Company" orientation is
spread over the third year of the Bachelor's and over the two
years of the master's of Business Engineering.

Ongoing evaluation : exercises and personal pieces of work
Written and oral exams

Admission to the programme
The programme is accessible to those possessing a
secondary school-leaving certificate (c.f. the "Access to Studies"
part of the study programme for a precise description of the admission
conditions and their particular cases.
The conditions and regular admission requirements are specified on the web page "Access to Studies":

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
The bachelor's degree entitles direct access to the master's of
Business Engineering, as well as to any general master's in Economics
or Business Economics.
To be able to access the master's of Business Engineering,
the student needs to have completed an "initiation to labour
employment", and to have drafted an analytical report on the subject.
This initiation comprises one week of mainly manual work experience in an
entrepreneurial or associative environment (outside of the
Other studies available upon completion of the programme
The bachelor's degree in Business Engineering entitles
access to the master's organised by the other departments of the
Faculty of Economics,
Social and Political Sciences or by other Faculties, subject to respect
of the conditions and prerequisites specified by the bodies responsible
for organising the programme in question. In the case of lacking
credits, these may be made up either by being added to the master's
programme (if the number of lacking credits does not surpass 15), or by
the completion of a complementary/preparatory programme before
embarking on the master's.

Useful contacts
Programme management
SESP Secrétariat du 1er cycle (ESPO)
Contact persons for the ESPO: Anne-Françoise Mariscal, Dominique Arnould
Program Supervisor : Michel De Wolf (IAG)
Study Advisor
Cécile Delannay
Exam Jury
President : Michel Dorban
Secretary : Jean-Marie Yante
