Study objectives
To provide a principal first cycle programme in Oriental
Studies, especially in the Languages and Civilisations of the East in
its different domains : 1) Egypt and the ancient Near-East, including
the biblical world, 2) The Byzantium and Christian East,
including the Caucasus, 3) The Arab and Muslim worlds, 4) The East
Indies and the Far-East.

General presentation of the programme
Principal Subjects - Major (150 credits)
Foundation studies (1st year) (60 credits)
First quadrimester :
Common general courses in the Faculty of Arts
: Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation (5 credits), Arts
and Civilisations (5 credits), Introduction to the Principal Works in
European Literature I (5 credits), Practice in French at university level (5
credits), Modern Languages (5 credits) Ancient Languages (5 credits).
Second quadrimester :
General course
: Introduction to Philosophy (4.5 credits),
Introduction to Language Science (3.5 credits),
Seminar in the Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Antiquity (2.5 credits).
Introduction to the Discipline
Introduction to Oriental Studies (2 credits),
Introduction to the Study of Antiquity (3.5 credits), Introduction
to Heuristics (2.5 credits), Introduction to Oriental Languages (5 credits), Social and Cultural Anthropology (3
credits), Introduction to Religious Sciences
(3 credits).
Specific studies (2nd and 3rd year) (90 credits)
General courses
credits) : Modern Languages (comprehension 2nd year and
communication 3rd year), Critical Analysis of Information,
Anthropology and Psychology of Logic and Reasoning in the Human
Sciences, Introduction to European Literatures II or
Theory of Literature or General Linguistics, History of Art and
Archaeology (antiquity), History of Writing,
History of Institutions (antiquity), History of the Ancient Philosophy, option.
Specialised courses
(60 credits) : student's choice of three Oriental languages to be studied in
the 2nd and 3rd year, as well as courses on Oriental cultures and
Minors or available options (30 credits)
The minor subject may be freely selected from the programmes offered by the
Faculty or the University, subject to possible
prerequisites determined by the bodies organising these programmes.

The written and oral exams aim to evaluate the student's
knowledge, know-how and communication skills. Some subjects
which focus on research and critical analysis skills will take the form
of intermediate evaluations spread out over the course of the year.

Admission to the programme

Positioning of the programme
Positioning of the programme within the University cursus
Foundation programme in the first cycle which, upon successful completion, will entitle
direct access, without any prerequisites, to the corresponding master's
Other studies available upon completion of the programme
Master's programme needing no complementary prerequisites
: the master's of Ancient Languages and Literature (orientation:
Classical Studies) : in the case where the main language chosen is
Greek or where
the minor chosen is the minor in Latin Studies, to which will be added
the Latin Language course II.
Masters accessible, subject to prerequisites
In accordance with the minor chosen by the student, other masters from the Faculty of Arts or from elsewhere in the
University may be accessible, subject to the conditions and prerequisites determined by
the bodies organising these programmes.

Useful contacts
Programme management
ORI Unité d'orientalisme - Institut orientaliste
Responsable académique : René Lebrun
Contact : Marie-Antoinette Jacquemin
Tél. 010474958 jacquemin@glor.ucl.ac.be
Study Advisor
Anne CASSART (cassart@sflt.ucl.ac.be) - 010 / 47 48 57
Exam Jury
President : Paul-Augustin DEPROOST (deproost@egla.ucl.ac.be)
Secretary : René LEBRUN (lebrun@ori.ucl.ac.be)
List of accessible minors
Minor in Theology
Minor in Philosophy
Minor in Law
Minor in Criminology
Minor in Information and Communication (*)
Minor in Political Sciences
Minor in Sociology and Anthropology
Minor in Human and Social Sciences
Minor in Economics (opening)
Minor in Business Studies
Minor in German Studies
Minor in Linguistics
Minor in Hispanic Studies (*)
Minor in Italian Studies (*)
Minor in French Studies(*)
Minor in Latin Studies
Minor in Greek Studies
Minor in Literature Studies
Minor in History
Minor in Medieval Studies
Minor in History of Art and Archaeology (*)
Minor in Musicology
Minor in Psychology and Education (*)
Minor in Human Nutrition (*)
Minor in General Biomedical Sciences (*)
Minor in Clinical Biomedical Sciences (*)
Minor in Medication Sciences (*)
Minor in Physical Activity, Health and Culture of Movement (*)
Minor in Geography (*)
Minor in Statistics
Minor in Urban Architecture
Minor in Mathematics and Mathematical Applications
Minor in Scientific Culture
Minor in Gender Studies
Minor in Culture and Creation
Minor in European Studies
(*) Minor with access criteria.
