Second cycle programmes as from 2007
The masters programmes are currently in the process of elaboration.
Masters (accessible to students holding the title of bachelor, with a full university degree)
A master 's programme leads to a second cycle study diploma and is accessible further to an initial course worth at least 180 credits. Masters worth 120 credits and also 120 credits are also to exist and will be organised on parallel lines in certain subjects (in the case of the former programmes, these will last four years).
Masters worth 120 credits
A master worth 120 credits, usually spread over two years of studies, includes the writing of a thesis and constitutes the development of the specialisation.
This can take the form of three different orientations, depending on whether the future " master " aims to teach, do research, or carry out a profession:
- Didactics orientation
- In-depth studies orientation
- Specialisation orientation
Holders of an academic master's certificate for 120 credits, may subsequently enrol to follow another orientation for 30 credits within the same masters. For example,a student who has completed a masters in History : in-depth orientation, may then enrol for the didactics orientation for the same masters subject. In the case of the latter, he will only need to validate 30 supplementary credits to obtain a second diploma.
Masters worth 60 credits
A master worth 60 credits (usually spread over one year) is recognised on the employment market but does noty entitle access to the third cycle.The teacher-training programme for upper secondary school teaching constitutes a complementary programme worth 30 credits and must obligatorily be followed after having obtained the master 60 diploma.

Complementary masters (accessible to holders of a 120 credit master)
A complementary master is a cursus of at least 60 credits, accessible to holders of a masters diploma where a cursus of at least 300 credits has been completed.
In order to qualify for access to a specialised master's programme, the student must have completed the master's in120 credits. This is a professional specialised qualification aimed at authorising the carrying out of certain professions (solicitor, health care, etc) or at responding to training needs in cooperation, or to equip the student with recognised research team skills.