Objectifs (en termes de compétences)
. Although not the main objective of the course, short pieces of written work can be referred to and may serve as
the basis for discussions.
. Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
. Although not the main objective of the course, short extracts of English language films or television programs may
be shown in class either to familiarise students with different accents or as a starting point for discussions.
. Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
. Individually : Students should be able to express their views clearly on familiar topics as well on more general
current events.
. Interactively : to state their opinions clearly and to back them up with explanations and arguments in the context of
a debate.
. Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
. Presentation: Each student gives a presentation on a general subject followed by an interactive activity managed by the student.
Grammar and vocabulary
. Students are expected not to make any basic grammatical mistakes and to master general vocabulary at an
intermediate level.
. Grammar and vocabulary are studied through self-study and are practiced and corrected in class.

Objet de l'activité (principaux thèmes à aborder)
. The course aims at developing the oral communication skills of the students in order to enable them to talk about
themselves and the world around them as well as about general subjects.
. During contact hours, students communicate orally in small groups on a wide range of topics. Short exercises
enhance acquisition of new vocabulary. The course is either organised over the whole academic year (1h/week)
or over one term (2h/week).
. The class hour are devoted to speaking only. Students mostly speak in very small groups in order to speak more.
Occasionally the student speaks in a larger group (debate) or alone (presentation). Feedback on language
mistakes is always given by the teacher to the whole group.

Résumé : Contenu et Méthodes
Code et intitulé
ANGL 1300 / 1320 - Anglais - Communication interactive - Niveau intermédiaire
Année d'étude
Toutes les facultés - BAC 3 - MASTER 1 and 2
Nombre d'heures, rythme, quadrimestres
30 heures - 1 heure / semaine pendant 2 quadrimestres - Quadri 1 et 2 ou
30 heures - 2 heures / semaine pendant 1 quadrimestre - Quadri 1 ou 2
Objectif et contenu
L'objectif du cours est de développer les aptitudes communicatives des étudiants de manière à leur permettre de parler d'eux-mêmes, du monde qui les entoure et de sujets généraux.
Evaluation continue + Examen oral

Autres informations (Pré-requis, Evaluation, Support, ...)
Supporting material
Written documents accompany the course, video extracts, vocabulary book (English Vocabulary in Use, lower-intermediate to intermediate), cd-rom
Work load
Contact hours : 30
Self-study : 45
Continuous assessment throughout the year taking into account preparation of activities and class participation, the results obtained for five written tests (cd-rom and vocabulary) and the presentation
Oral examination at the end of the year : discussion in small groups on a given topic.
This course being of an intermediate level, the productive command of basic grammar and vocabulary as well as the receptive command of the language skills of the B1 level as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is required.

Autres crédits de l'activité dans les programmes
Première licence en histoire de l'art et archéologie
(4 crédits)
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Première licence en langues et littératures classiques
(3 crédits)
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Première licence en langues et littératures romanes
(3 crédits)
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