- to provide the elements of a scientific approach of the reeducation of aphasias by presenting the theoretical frames that appear in the reeducation literature
-to introduce methodological principles appropriate to improve, to implement and to control the reeducation process.

Main themes
- Introduction to the variables involved in spontaneous recovery and introduction to the main therapeutical choices: how to reorganise, to restore, or to optimize the environment.
- Presentation of the theoretical bases of reeducation.
- Description of the reeducation methods available for oral and written language.
1. Reeducation in neuropsychology: general points.
2. Reeducation of language and communication.

Content and teaching methods
- Introduction to the variables involved in spontaneous recovery and introduction to the main therapeutical choices: how to reorganise, to restore, or to optimize the environment.
- Presentation of the theoretical bases of reeducation.
- Description of the reeducation methods available for oral and written language.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
LOGO 2161 Neuropsychology and Neurolinguistics
LOGO 2262 Methods of examination of aphasias and related neuropsychological disorders
PSP 2400 Notions of neurology
Lectures with presentation of relevant cases involving the reeducation methods.
Case studies with videos

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en logopédie (programme commun UCL/ULB)
(4 credits)
Troisième licence en sciences psychologiques (Neuropsychologie clinique)
(3 credits)
