The course aims to ensure an in-depth study of the elements analysed in the INT2211 course, to give students a global understanding of private international law.
In this sense, it stresses the study of private international law in the field of commercial relations, taking into account the contribution of European Union law in the matter.

Main themes
The course uses the concepts analysed in the general part (course INT2211) and applies them to questions relating to contractual and non-contractual obligations, to property law and business law. These questions are seen from the point of view of conflicts of jurisdictions and of conflicts of laws.
The course emphasises in particular the sources arising from co-operation between Member States of the European Union and from the Treaty on European Union. It, specifically, introduces the question of defining the scope of application of Community acts regarding private law.
This is a lecture-type course. As for the INT2211 course, it summarises the determining concepts. The emphasis is on understanding these concepts. As in the case of the previous course also, it focuses on the study of concrete cases.
The examination is consistent with the course method. Considering the broadness of the subject, namely the amount of material used and its degree of difficulty, it focuses on ensuring that students understand the concepts, while giving importance to a knowledge of fundamental rules. To this end, students are allowed to use the documents of their choice when preparing for the examination.

Other credits in programs
Deuxième licence en droit
(4.5 credits)
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