By the end of this course, the student should be able to delineate the functioning of European institutions as well as the stakes of European construction, not only in their immediacy but also, and especially, in the historical dynamics proper to them.

Main themes
Putting the European idea into long-term perspective should help us distance ourselves from what is too often a teleological interpretation of European construction. The distinction to be maintained between Europe as thought and Europe in action is hence fundamental.
As for Europe in action, the role of institutions is obviously essential. But it should not hide the Europe of men, nor the Europe of States. So these themes will be stressed, as well as the role of contingency in the dynamics of European construction.

Content and teaching methods
Having put the concept of European space over time in perspective, the course attempts first to trace the evolution of the European idea from the end of the XVII century until the first world war. It then takes up the first attempts at European co-operation in the between-war-years, in more detail. It then presents the process of European construction begun at the end of the second world war, carefully analysing its varied components.
Taught under the auspices of the Jean Monnet Chair in contemporary European history, the course is regularly the object of contributions by outside experts.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation : Oral examination.
Teaching materials : Student notes.
A detailed plan, bibliography, course notes and documents considered important.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en histoire
(3 credits)
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Deuxième licence en histoire
(3 credits)
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