In connection with political economy, sociology and quantitative methods in history courses, by the end of this course, students should be able to handle the various concepts of economic and social history, analyse the key moments in its economic and social evolution and its short as well as middle and long term movements; identify crises, their nature and factors, describe actors and contexts.

Main themes
Paying attention to chronological and geographical specificities, as well as sources and methods, this course presents the various concepts of economic and social history, while being particularly attentive to the evolution and most recent tendencies and debates of historiography. It analyses both the structures of the economic and social life of the period involved and the dynamics running through it and making it evolve, while paying attention to both permanence and discontinuity.

Content and teaching methods
The historian of 'ancien régime' economy and society does not have official, published statistics at his disposal : the series and curves of demography, agricultural and industrial production, prices, salaries ... have to be manufactured by the historian himself. We shall dwell on the choice of sources and methodology for their serial, critical treatment : from the High Middle Ages to the end of the XVIIIth century. Macro-economic flux and reflux can thence be presented, interpreted and even "modelled". The micro-economic approach is also privileged through study of the individual, family, farming, the land, the rural or urban community and its collective practices, ... Self-subsistence and market economy, changeless history and innovations, isolating and disenclosing are themes receiving particular attention. We move from observation of Wallonia and the Belgian and Luxemburg scene to Europe and the world when possible and necessary.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Prerequisites : analysis of statistical tables and graphs.
Evaluation : individual examination in ways to be determined by the instructor.
Teaching materials : Student notes, bibliographical references, reading portfolio or syllabus as required.
Teaching : by the instructor.

Other credits in programs
Première licence en histoire
(3 credits)
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Deuxième licence en histoire
(3 credits)
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