This course is intended to the ROGE facuty students who have acquired the B2 level and which, at the end of the course, must reach the C1 level of the Common European Framework of reference of the Council of Europe.
This course will have to be followed in parallel with Spanish courses suggested by the Faculty of Philosophy and Lettres, without which the student will not be able to reach the level in the target language.

Main themes
This course is mainly pratique and seeks to help the student to be autonomous, mainly in the speaking and writing fields. This course wants to be eminently practical and to develop systematically the linguistic abilities of the students by various means of training. Here the goals to reach:
Reading Comprehension (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
- Can understand specialized texts
- Can read long and complex contemporary or literary texts and appreciate the difference of style.
- Can understand a context in the past.
Listening Comprehension (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
- Can follow a long discourse
- Can understand oral speaking people and television or films without effort.
- Can follow and interact in a conversation between several native speakers.
Speaking (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
- Can tell past actions and stories
- Can communicate his/her ideas, opinios, view point and wishes
- Can make clear and detailed descriptions.
- Can make a long, clear exposition on a contemporary subject without reading refence notes.
Writing production (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
- Can write a clear and well-organised text.
- Can develop a complexand structured subject, using the adecuate vocabulary.
- Can choose a style adapted to the destinataire.
- Can correctly address letters and CV.
(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
Masterise Spanish to an experimented user: consolidation and extension of vocabulary; consolidation of grammar and morphological structures. Correct ponounciation and entonation.
On level of all the above mentioned aptitudes, but particularly of speaking and of reading comprehension, the course proposes a process of sensitizing to the Spanish-speaking countries cultural expressions.

Content and teaching methods
- Course of 60h (2h per week) during 1st and 2nd semester
- Course de 1st cycle BAC2 ROGE (FLTR)
Prerequisites :
- To have reached the objectives dictated by the Faculty FLTR during the 1st BAC..
- To be a FLTR student and to have inscribed the course in his/her studies proramme.
- This course must be followed in parallel with to the courses of Spanish given by the Faculty of Arts de l'UCL.
Objectives (in terms of competences) :
- This course is intended to the ROGE facuty students who have acquired the B2 level and which, at the end of the
course, must reach the C1 level of the Common European Framework of reference of the Council of Europe.
- This course will have to be followed in parallel with Spanish courses suggested by the Faculty of Philosophy and
Lettres, without which the student will not be able to reach the level in the target language.
Course materials :
- To develop systematically receptive and oral student competences and to introduce them to the handling of the written language and listening comprehension. The objective of the course is to carry out, as much as possible, a personalized accompaniment of the students. To achieve the goals of the course, the students have at their disposal a syllabus, created for this purpose.
- In addition, the students will have to follow in parallel the exercises suggested in the data-processing platform of the University "Icampus".
Assessment :
Continuous Assessment with different tests throughout the year on the different linguistic competences.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Teacher: Paula Lorente
Language: Spanish
Level: 1er cycle BAC2 ROGE/FLTR
- To have reached the objectives dictated by the Faculty FLTR during the 1st BAC..
- To be a FLTR student and inscribe the course in his/her studies proramme.
- This course must be followed parallement to the courses of Spanish given by the faculty Philosophie et Lettres de
Continuous Assessment with different tests throughout the year on the different linguistic competences.
Course materials:
To develop systematically receptive and oral student competences and to introduce them to the handling of the written language and listening comprehension. The objective of the course is to carry out, as much as possible, a personalized accompaniment of the students. To achieve the goals of the course, the students have at their disposal a syllabus, created for this purpose:
- ESPA1800: didactic materials made by the professor as a syllabus. This syllabus is centered in two fundamental parts, one giving a detailed attention to the morpho-syntactic and semantic bases and the other giving a detailed attention to the development of listening comprehension by means of exercises on audio-visual materials available to the CAA of the ILV. The typology of exercises is much diversified: grammar exercises, videos, songs, role plays in groups, forums via Internet, etc.
- In addition, the students will have to in parallel follow the exercises suggested in the data-processing platform of the University "Icampus".
Course hours: 60 H
Autonomous work: 90 H
Pedagogical accompaniment:
- the ideal number of students by group is of 20 maximun
- the teacher is available in her hours of reception

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale
(4 credits)
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