Reading Comprehension (B2- level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for the Languages")
- Can read articles and reports on contemporary questions in which the authors adopt a particular attitude or a
certain point of view.
- Can understand a contemporary literary text in prose
Listening Comprehension (B2- level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for the Languages")
- Can understand a great part of a lecture or TV programs or radio broadcast on subjects of general interest or
relative to its field of studies produced in a standard language and it is well articulated.
- Can interact in a conversation and understand the essential points of a conversation when a clear and standard
language is used and if they are subjects familiar or relating to the field of studies.
Speaking (B2- level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for the Languages")
- Can make a short presentation on subjects general or relative to its field of studies. Interactive:
- Can communicate with a degree of spontaneousness and ease which makes possible a normal interaction with a
native speaker.
- Can take an active part in a conversation in familiar situations, to present and defend his/her opinions.
Writing production (B2- level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for the Languages")
- Capacity to write clear and detailed texts on a great range of subjects relative to his/her interests.
- Can write a test or a report/ratio by transmitting information or by explaining reasons for or against a given opinion.
- Can write letters which emphasize the direction that I allot personally to the events and the experiments.

Main themes
Development of comprehension (reading and listening) on the basis of authentic documents (written and oral) bearing on subjects of general interest or specific to the field of studies. Enrichment of the vocabulary (as well general as relating to the field studies) in context and consolidation of the control of this vocabulary by written and oral exercises (role plaies, small debates, small talks....)
Consolidation and widening of the basic vocabulary (words of 2000 to 4000)
Consolidation and control of the structures (in particular those which pose problem with the French-speaking people).
On the level of all the above mentioned aptitudes: sensitizing with the culture of the countries of Spanish language

Content and teaching methods
- Course of 45h (3h per week) during the 1st or 2nd semester.
- Course for 1st cycle students of Faculty ESPO
Students of ECGE, SPOL and INGE:
- BAC 2: étudiants qu'un BAC 1 ont réussi ESPA 1100 ou ESPA 1130
- BAC 1: étudiants qui prennent l'Espagnol en tant que L3
- BAC 1: étudiants qui doublent son année et qui l'année passée ont échoué 1330
Objectives (in terms of competences):
- This course is intended to ESPO students who have acquired the elementary level (A2). At the end of the course
they are expected to have reached the B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Method and content:
- To develop systematically receptive and oral student competences and to introduce them to the handling of the written language and listening comprehension. The objective of the course is to carry out, as much as possible, a personalized accompaniment of the students. To achieve the goals of the course, the students have at their disposal a syllabus, created for this purpose.
- Development of comprehension (reading and listening) on the basis of authentic documents (written and oral) bearing on subjects of general interest or specific to the field of studies. Enrichment of the vocabulary (as well general as relating to the field studies) in context and consolidation of the control of this vocabulary by written and oral exercises (role plaies, small debates, small talks....)
- In addition, the students will have to in parallel follow the exercises suggested in the data-processing platform of the University "Icampus".
Various marks make the final evaluation:
- Written and oral test.
- Continuous evaluation (work to be returned, presence and participation).

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Students of ECGE, SPOL and INGE:
BAC 2: étudiants qu'un BAC 1 ont réussi ESPA 1100 ou ESPA 1130
BAC 1: étudiants qui prennent l'Espagnol en tant que L3
BAC 1: étudiants qui doublent son année et qui l'année passée ont échoué 1330
Course hours: 45 hours
Autonomous Work: 20 hours
Pedagogical accompaniment
Run in groups of max. 25 students.
The teachers are available during their hours of reception and can be contacted by e-mail.
Guidance in the Center of self-Training (C.A.A.) and in the Multi-media Room
Course materials
- Syllabus of course
- Audio and video cassettes used with the course
Various marks make the final Assessment:
- Written and oral test.
- Continuous Assessment (work to be returned, presence and participation).
Teacher: José M del Aguila, Víctor Mendez
Language: Spanish
Level: course of 1st cycle. 1st and 2nd semester.

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en information et communication
(3 credits)
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Deuxième année de bachelier en information et communication
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences économiques et de gestion
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences humaines et sociales
(3 credits)
| |
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences humaines et sociales
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en ingénieur de gestion
(2 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sociologie et anthropologie
(3 credits)
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Deuxième année de bachelier en sociologie et anthropologie
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences politiques
(3 credits)
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