This course is given to students who have studied the Spanish language at secondary and have not got a satisfactory mark in the receptive test at the beginning of the year to get into the medium level (ESPA1330). These students are considered false beginners and by the end of the course they are expected to have reached an A2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The goal of this course is to give the students the possibility of enforce his level to continue his learning of the Spanish language.

Main themes
Reading Comprehension
- can understand short, simple texts written in common everyday language.
- can understand everyday signs and notices in public places, such as streets, restaurants, railway stations and in
- can understand short simple personal letters.
- can understand short, simple narrative or descriptive texts written adapted to A2 level (Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages).
Listening Comprehension
- Communicate in simple requiring simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. A2 level
(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Speaking Production
- Can speak about oneself on a descriptive way, about his environment and living conditions (learning a language,
introducing him/herself, speaking about his/her family, everyday situations and job, describing his/her home, etc.)
- Can communicate simple and current tasks requiring only short and direct exchange.A2 level (Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages).
Writing production
- Write short and current documents (a postcard, a personal letter, etc.).
- Can write a personal summary from longer documents A2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for
- Can correctly pronounce the various sounds of standard Spanish and put them in relation to his writing and control
the basic vocabulary of standard Spanish (approximately 2000 words)
- Can control the principal grammatical contents and the linguistic exhibitors of basic Spanish. A2 level (Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- At the speaking level, the stress is laid of advantage over the communication that on the correction; however, a
detailed attention will be given to the phonetic correction.
In reference to all the above mentioned aptitudes, sensitizing with the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries

Content and teaching methods
- 30 hours course, 2 hours a week throughout the second semester
- This course is given to ESPO first year students - 3 credits
to have studied the Spanish language at least during two years at secondary and to be a false beginner, that's to say not to have got a satisfactory mark in the receptive test at the beginning of the year to get into the medium level (ESPA1330)
Course objectives:
A2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) for every competence (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking production and writing production)
Contentand Methodology:
- pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar exercises
- listening and reading comprehension exercises
- spoken interaction and spoken production exercises
- communicative method and activities regarding general subjects
written exam, oral exam and continuous assessment (work to be returned, presence and participation)

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
This course is given to the 1st cycle students in the ESPO faculty of the UCL. To inscribe the course, they must have chosen the Spanish as a L2, have studied this language for two years in secundary and have passed the exam at the beginning of the academic year.
Course hours: 30 H. Having into account this reduced number of lessons; the students are expected to spend 1 hour a day of personal work to be able to continue their learning.
Pedagogical accompaniment
- the ideal number of students by group is of 25 maximun
- the teacher is available in his/her hours of reception
- the course gives the student a guide of electronic addresses and materials to support the autonomous training and
other didactic materials for the controlled autonomous practice.
Course materials
- Español 1130 (154 p.): communicative method used during the course divided into 8 units. It includes very elaborate
grammatical tables and exercises of acquisition of the vocabulary, communicative exercises based on songs, plays,
publicities, texts, role plays, cultural charts, etc. The method is accompanied by an audio cassette and a video
cassette available at the CAA of the ILV.
- Español 1130 Cuaderno de ejercicios: (192 p.): exercise book of grammar for the autonomous practice. This book is
accompanied by the key of the exercises and an audio cassette available to the CAA of the ILV.
Various marks make the final Assessment:
- Written and oral test.
- Continuous Assessment (work to be returned, presence and participation).
[30h] 3 credits 2nd semester
Language: French
Level: course de 1st cycle
The course is centered on the communication and uses a method halfway between the communicative and the notion-functional one. Therefore, the elements of the code are not acquired by the study of lists of vocabulary or the structural approach of grammar exclusively. These elements are built-in in significant contexts, grouped according to functional contents (to give and ask personal data, to speak about the usual actions, to speak about the spare time and tastes, to describe a city, to suggest activities, to speak about the future projects, etc), and later they are practiced with exercises requiring the development of an integral communicative competence. The course provides the student with didactic materials made by the professor according to the described method and crated from current bibliography including more than 40 works not only to be used at class but also to practice the controlled autonomous practice. The materials include very elaborate grammatical tables and exercises of systematization, but the typology of exercises is very heterogeneous: songs, plays, role plays, real or adapted texts or created in a teaching goal, publicities, etc.

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en information et communication
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences économiques et de gestion
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences humaines et sociales
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sociologie et anthropologie
(3 credits)
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Année d'études préparatoires au master en sciences de la population et développement
(3 credits)
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Première année de bachelier en sciences politiques
(3 credits)
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