By the end of this course, the student will be able to adopt the different roles inherent to the teaching in collective sports, accordind to the type and the context of the intervention: teacher, coach, referee, player,...
He will be able to altern the game situations and the technical and tactical learnings in joining up them together.
He will make the student sensitive to the behaviors in respect with the ethic and the fair-play

Main themes
The student will use the appropriate tools to evaluate the individual and collective habilities.
He will have essential lines to analyse his intervention according to the motivation and the motor involving of the participants. He will be able to justify his didactical choices and to express his theorical referentials.

Content and teaching methods
Will be completed by the titular professor when the courses will be attributed

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Evaluation Written on oral examination and/or continual evaluation
Support Course notes and books
Supervision Professor

Other credits in programs
Troisième année de bachelier en sciences de la motricité
(6 credits)
