By the end of this course, the student will have improved his technical and tactical habilities in the field of the team sports and will be able to apply these skills during the games

Main themes
To achieve the course objectieves, the next items will be approached:
- Basic concepts of the team organisation: general principle of the organisation, game systems, game combinations, offensive and defensive organisations, individual tactic elements;
- Knowledge and application of the team sports specific organisation mode;
- Continuation of the technical and tactical fundamentals learning.

Content and teaching methods
1. Contents the course presents the principal concepts related to the collective organization as well tactical as pre tactic: general principles of organization, systems of play, offensive and defensive phases of play, individual tactical direction and this in basketball, football in room, handball and volley ball.
2. Methods the principal modes of offensive and defensive organization are approached by the means of conceptual introductions. These theoretical elements are then applied to the ground, primarily in the forms of fragments of play, phases of play or moments of total play. The specific technical elements to each disciplines are supplemented and worked in situation more demanding than in first year (more significant pressure of time, more active pressure of the adversary and reduced space conditions). This specific motricity is also comparison with the tactical concepts: which tools for which situations?

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Pre-requisite Fundamentals of team sports and games - Collective sports
Evaluation Continual and/or final practical evaluation with the possibility of a final exam to ensure that theoritical understanding has taken place.
Support Course notes
Supervision Professor, instructor, teacher assistants.
Others If possible, a minimum of 14 students per group

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences de la motricité
(4 credits)
