At the end of this module, the student will have developed mainly receptive (reading and listening) abilities in English. The level reached will be sufficient to understand a scientific text or oral communication on the subject of bio-engineering ( aiming at the B2 - C1 level of " the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages " for reading comprehension and B1-B2 for listening comprehension).

Main themes
Main themes.
To fulfil these aims, linguistic activities will focus on
- Reading strategies in a foreign language (English).
- Extension of scientific and specific vocabulary relating to bio-engineering.
- English grammatical structures (revision).
- Decoding strategies for listening comprehension in a foreign language.
- English pronunciation and stress patterns

Content and teaching methods
ANGL 1880B-English in bio-engineering, agronomy and environmental sciences
- AGRO Bac 2 (BIR 12)
- [30h] - 1st quadrimester, 2h/week
- This course aims at developing the skills taught in ANGL 1880A: reading and listening comprehension of authentic
documents related to bioengineering.
Assessment :
- Exemption test at the beginning of the year
- Continuous assessment : vocabulary and pronunciation tests.
- Written exam.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
B1 level of " the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages " or ANGL 1880A.
Portfolio of texts and videos relating to bio-engineering (see also above).
- Extensive reading of texts at home using reading strategies and note-taking techniques.
- Content-based activities in class: questions, skimming-scanning, flow-charts etc
- Analysis of and comments on the texts.
- Lexical extension exercises and comments on language points.
- Extensive and intensive decoding of television programmes.
- Pronunciation exercises on general and specific vocabulary.
- classroom hours : 30 hours
- self-study : 30 hours
- Exemption test at the beginning of the year (12/20).
- Continuous assessment.
- Written exam on both reading and listening comprehension.
- Reading aloud of recurrent terms pertaining to the students' discipline.
- Course notes.
- Self-tuition CD-Rom.
- Teacher's reception hours.
- Self-tuition centre of the ILV giving access to the complete listening comprehension file and videos.
- Personalized help with language problems at the self-tuition centre of the Institut des Langues Vivantes (ILV).
- Personalized help with language problems at the multimedia room of the Institut des Langues Vivantes (ILV).

Other credits in programs
Deuxième année de bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation bioingénieur
(2 credits)
