. This course is receptive and focuses on reading and listening comprehension. The main purpose of the course is
to provide students with the skills they need to write their dissertation or any other academic essay. The course
aims at an intermediate level.
. This course focuses on developing the student's autonomy in reading comprehension thanks to original texts
particularly texts in criminology.
. This course focuses on developing the student's autonomy in listening comprehension thanks to original TV
programmes, particularly programmes about criminology.
. This courses focuses on basic non-interactive oral production.

Main themes
. For the reading comprehension class, students will be presented with different reading techniques (skimming/
scanning) to help them read texts in a rapid and efficient way. Those techniques can then be used by the student
for other texts. The student will progressively become independent. He won't read texts in a linear way anymore
and won't need to systematically translate the text into his/ her mother tongue.
. The teacher will help students to increase their knowledge of general and specific vocabulary, and grammatical
. For the listening comprehension class in the laboratory, the student will be presented with different accents as the
TV programmes come from original broadcasts. The teacher will help the students thanks to the teaching of
phonetics and stress. The purpose is to enable the students to recognise words they have already encountered
in the reading comprehension class in order to develop their oral skills.

Content and teaching methods
- Code and title : ANGL 1821 - English comprehension of texts from the law field. Intermediate level.
- Year of study : Droit Bac 1.
- Number of hours, rhythm, terms : 60h, 2h/week, the whole year.
- Aim and contents : reading and listening comprehension of texts in law, study of specific vocabulary and basic
grammar, reading aloud (stress and pronunciation).
- Evaluation : diagnostic and exemption tests ; written and oral exams.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
[60 hours]
This course is for Law students
Bac 1.
Language of the course:
a pre-intermediate level in English is desirable.
Work load
- Contact hours: 52h
- Self study: 68h
1. Revision of vocabulary and basic structures.
2. Oral reading exercises of words and sentences (phonetics and stress).
3. Learning of reading techniques in a foreign language.
4. Extension of the vocabulary in context.
5. Extension of grammatical structures in context.
6. Listening comprehension techniques.
The course is given in English (taking into account the different levels of the students). Students are required to speak and to participate as actively as possible (in English). Each student receives at the beginning of the year a portfolio of texts, mainly in criminology (prison, DNA, death penalty, drug abuse, paedophilia
.) that he will have to read at home in a global way. In class, he will be able to read the texts in a more detailed way (cf. reading techniques). Each text is then analysed and will be commented on (mainly grammar and vocabulary). In the laboratory, the student is asked to understand the content of the different video programmes, firstly in an extensive way, then in an intensive way. The student will be able to work at his own rhythm as well as being able to understand a maximum of information at once.
- Class of 25 to 30 students
- The teacher is available during his office hours and can be contacted by e-mail.
- Remedial work can be organised at the Self-tuition Centre (CAA) and the multimedia room.
Course materials
Syllabus: "English for Lawyers" and "Self-Tuition", CD-Rom from the ILV.
- Regular self-evaluation tests .
- Continuous assessment: a test beginning of December about the Self-Tuition (basic vocabulary) that counts for the
final mark.
- Written exam
- Basic non-interactive oral exam

Other credits in programs
Première année de bachelier en droit
(5 credits)
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