To introduce students to explanatory theoretical frameworks of industrial relations
To help them understand the specific linkage of various 'typical' systems that have
grown up in European countries.
To help them identify, and make a comparative analysis of, the main specific features
of, and differences between, these typical systems and explanatory variables.

Main themes
Some explanatory theories of industrial relations systems.
Interrelations between, on the one hand, the law of the land and, on the other, law as
established under collective agreements; the intervention of the state, and autonomy of the social partners.
The structures, ideologies and strategies of employers' association and trade unions;
political options and systems for recognising representativeness.
The diversity and degrees of institutionalisation and representation.
The fields, linkage and effects of collective bargaining.
Comparative analyses of some major issues covered by industrial relations systems (e.g.
labour relations, pay, working hours and alterations to working hours, conditions of employment and work organisation, training and employment. trade union rights, and the regulation of systems).

Content and teaching methods
The course is in two parts:
First part: eight sessions consisting of a lecture delivered by one of the teachers, and a piece of collective work under the umbrella of a seminar for which the students will
prepare through mandatory reading. In addition to the introduction, which will be devoted to the issue and methodology of comparative industrial relations, these sessions will focus on the following themes:
workers' representative organisations, employers' representative organisations, collective
bargaining, systems of representation and participation, collective labour disputes, and
the role of the state in industrial relations.
Second part: preparation for individual work on a transversal theme dealing with one of
the following countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Sweden. This work
will be presented during the two plenary sessions.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
Methods of assessment:
1/3 for course participation.
2/3 for individual work (corrected twice by the two teachers).
IST teachers and Assistants will be at students' disposal during normal course hours to help them prepare individual work.

Other credits in programs
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en économie et gestion (Master in business administration) (ressources humaines, organisations & relations industrielles)
(6 credits)
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Master en sciences du travail (option européenne)
(6 credits)
