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The sociology of technological issues [SOC2448]
[30h] 3.5 credits

Version française

Printable version

This two-yearly course is taught in 2005-2006, 2007-2008,...


Philippe Baret, Felice Dassetto




2nd cycle course

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Content and teaching methods
>> Other credits in programs


An analysis of technological issues, and particularly of scientific controversies.

Main themes

A sociological analysis of technological practices (e.g. laboratory work, medical work and industrial work), and the evaluation (in social and political terms) of practices in the fields of physico-chemical technology (e.g. energy and chemicals) and bio-technology (on the basis of social definitions attributed to "the environment" and "life").

Content and teaching methods

1. The systematisation of applied technological logics in the physical world and the living world.
2. The possibilities and limitations of technical actions.
3. Socio-political action in the field of "major technological risks".
1. Socio-political action in bio-technology (as applied to plant life, animals and humankind).

Other credits in programs


Diplôme d'études spécialisées en anthropologie

(3.5 credits)


Master en sociologie et anthropologie (sociologie)

(3.5 credits)

Ce site a été conçu en collaboration avec ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand - Contact : info@espo.ucl.ac.be
Dernière mise à jour : 25/05/2005