1. Langues - Michel Francard
Study of the regional languages in Wallonia, fellowing a triple approach : historical, sociolinguistic and formal.
2. Litterature - Jean Germain
Main themes
1. Langues - Michel Francard
The course is devoted to the regional languages in Wallonia, and adopts a triple approach : historical, sociolinguistic and formal.
Historical : from the segmentation of the Oïl domain till nowadays (contribution of dialectology and linguistic geography).
Sociolinguistic : linguistic practices and behaviours of walloon speakers; representations of the regional languages in Wallonia; issues (namely the survival of these languages).
Formal : description of the most pre-eminent features (phonetical/phonological, morphological, syntactical, lexical) of the regional languages today.
The course will also present the main available research tools and will introduce to the field work methodology.
2. Litterature - Jean Germain
Content and teaching methods
1. Langues - Michel Francard
The course is devoted to the regional languages in Wallonia, and adopts a triple approach : historical, sociolinguistic and formal.
Historical : from the segmentation of the Oïl domain till nowadays (contribution of dialectology and linguistic geopgraphy).
Sociolinguistic : linguistic practices and behaviours of walloon speakers; representations of the regional languages in Wallonia; issues (namely the survival of these languages).
Formal : description of the most pre-eminent features (phonetical/phonological, morphological, syntactical, lexical) of the regional languages today.
The course will also present the main available research tools and will introduce to the field work methodology.
2. Litterature - Jean Germain
Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
1. Langues - Michel Francard
Evaluation : writing and oral presentation of a personal study enlarging one of the topics studied during the course.
Supports : portfolio with articles and extracts of books + standard reference books.
2. Litterature - Jean Germain