- To understand the different types of behavior of dynamic, continuous and discreet systems.
- To master the analysis tools of dynamic systems and of non-linear oscillation studies: results of stability, existence results of periodic solutions, tampering methods, bifurcation theorem, etc.
- To be capable of applying the theory to the analysis of examples.
Main themes
- Presentation of basic notions of dynamic systems (discreet or continuous): balance points, periodic solutions and their stability, stable varieties and instabilities, Hartman-Grobman theorems, etc.
- Initiation to analysis methods of dynamics systems and non-linear oscillations.
- Study of results of local and global bifurcations.
- Study of strange attractors.
The course will be illustrated by applications.
This optionnal course is for various people, its content will be adapted at best depending on the notions already acquired and the interests of the students.
Other credits in programs
Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil en mathématiques appliquées
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