UCL - Etudes

Premier cycle
Deuxième cycle
Troisième cycle
Certificats (programmes non académiques)
Formation continue
Facultés et entités
Cadre académique
Réforme de Bologne
Accès aux études
Organisation des études
Calendrier académique
Règlement des études et examens
Charte pédagogique
Renseignements généraux

Langue allemande [FLTR1710]
[30h+30h exercises] 5 credits

Version française

Printable version

This course is taught in the 1st semester


Henri Bouillon, Caroline Klein (supplée Henri Bouillon)




1st cycle course

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
>> Other credits in programs


By the end of this course, the students should be able :
a) to read and understand basic texts and dialogues;
b) to understand basic listening exercises and dialogues;
c) to write short texts;
d) to express themselves orally (elementary language structures).
The course also aims: to teach students how to consult reference works;
A special system for German speakers will be organized (with possible positions as tutors).

Main themes

This is a "beginners" course.
30 hours of lecture course : presentation, commentary, explications. 70 hours of individual work; 30 hours of tutorial work: Group A: reading texts (meant for those not interested in becoming scholars of the Germanic languages); Group B: interactive (meant for future scholars of the Germanic languages). 40 hours of individual study: systematic study of basic vocabulary; revision and systematic study of elementary grammar; updating notes and individual exercises.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

This is a beginner's level course and thus does not require any pre-requisites.

Continuous assessment during the course; final (written + oral) exam at the end of the course. Knowledge will be evaluated in terms of the subject matter (vocabulary and grammar) taught.

Course holder:
Assistant or equivalent: general coordination and the lecture part of the course will be taken on by a specialist in Germanic studies, member of the Department of Germanic Studies. Tutorials will be given by teachers from the Institut des Langues Vivantes. Assessment will be carried out by the ILV teachers in collaboration with the course coordinator.

Other credits in programs


Première année de bachelier en histoire de l'art et archéologie

(5 credits)


Première année de bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation classiques

(5 credits)


Première année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes, orientation germaniques

(5 credits)


Première année de bachelier en histoire

(5 credits)


Première année de bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes, orientation orientales

(5 credits)


Première année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes et anciennes

(5 credits)


Première année de bachelier en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale

(5 credits)

Ce site a été conçu en collaboration avec ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand - Contact : info@fltr.ucl.ac.be
Dernière mise à jour : 25/05/2005