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Gestion financière [FIN2100]
[45h+15h exercises] 6 credits

Version française

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Jean-Paul Couvreur, Eric de Bodt




2nd cycle course

>> Main themes
>> Content and teaching methods
>> Other credits in programs

Main themes

The basic aims of this course are:
1. to introduce students to the main concepts and methods concerning a rational resolution to the problems of financial decision-making that occur in enterprises in a private economy context, by situating these decision-making problems in their institutional (financing techniques and taxation) and economic (functioning of the finance market) context;
2. to develop participants' ability to resolve elementary problems of financial decision-making in a practical manner (e.g. structural and financial decision-making, and investment decisions).

Content and teaching methods

The course is in four parts. Ideally, they should be addressed in the following order:
1. The framework of financial decision-making
a. the economic context:
- the principles of portfolio management;
- the finance market, the interest rate and discounting;
b. the functional setting:
- the financial function in enterprises;
- problems and decisions relating to the enterprise's finances;
c. the institutional setting:
- sources and techniques of (short- and long-term) financing;
- taxation and financial management.
2. The cost of capital and the financial structure
a. the cost of sources of finance:
- the concept of the cost of a financial asset;
- the cost of loans, own funds and leasing;
b. the concept of the average weighted cost of capital
c. the financial structure:
- debt policy;
- dividend policy.
3. Investment decision-making
a. the development of projects and criteria of choice:
- investment flows;
- measuring profitability;
b. drawing up an investment plan
c. complements:
- investment decision-making;
- investment decision-making and risk;
- the decision to disinvest.
4. Short-term financial management
a. the financial aspects of needs in respect of working capital:
- the financial aspects of managing stocks and commercial debt;
- determining the necessary net working capital;
b. financial planning:
- forecasting and managing the cash position;
- drawing up financial statement forecasts.
The course mainly relies on an active method that reduces lectures to a minimum. It is based on a syllabus wherein prior reading will enable each student to prepare for sessions individually. These sessions will be devoted to explanations, discussions and illustrations relating to the subject.

Other credits in programs


Première licence en sciences de gestion

(5.5 credits)


Ce site a été conçu en collaboration avec ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand - Contact : info@espo.ucl.ac.be
Dernière mise à jour : 25/05/2005