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Approche pharmaceutique de la nutrition [FARM2201]
[30h+15h exercises] 3.5 credits

Version française

Printable version

This course is taught in the 1st semester


Nathalie Delzenne




2nd cycle course

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Content and teaching methods
>> Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
>> Other credits in programs


To help pharmacists and persons involved in health care to play a key role as an advisor in nutrition for patients. To be aware, through the critical analysis of scientific publications and available information on internet, of the recent progress in nutrition (nutritional toxicology, nutrients/drug interactions, nutrition and pathologies, functional and novel foods, special diets, dietary supplements…).

Main themes

The lectures will be based on biochemical mechanisms allowing interactions between nutrients or food components, and key metabolic pathways.
Subsections :
- A. Evaluation of nutritional status and energy/nutrients requirements.
- B. Nutritional biochemistry and nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease (macro- and micro-nutrients).
- C. Drug- nutrients interactions (pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics).
- D. Food toxicology
- E. Dietary supplements ; fortification ; special diets
- F. Recent knowledge in nutrition (nutrients and gene expression; functional food ; novel food…).

Content and teaching methods

A. Methods of evaluation of nutritional status (anthropometry, impedance…) and energy intake and expenditure (food questionnaire ; indirect calorimetry ; biochemical approach…).
B. Follow-up of nutrients metabolism : carbohydrates (digestible/non digestible) ; lipids ; proteins ; ethanol ; minerals and oligoelements ; phytochemicals; Implication in the control of obesity and metabolic syndrome (including diabetes and CHD), cancer, infection/inflammation...
C Mechanisms and consequences of drug-nutrients interactions
D. Food toxicology : classification of risks and causes (contaminants; natural toxics; influence of food conditioning and preservation…) ; legislation in Europe
E. Special diets, dietary supplements; functional food (including pre-probiotics)…
F. Recent knowledge in nutrition : will be based on the comparison of data recently published in scientific papers versus information largely diffused (press and internet).

For practical exercises, the students may choose either laboratory approach (food analysis) or bibliographic analysis of a novel concept in nutrition.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

Biochemistry ; Toxicology; Physiology ; Pathology ; Pharmacology (including pharmacokinetics) ; Organic and analytical chemistry ; Microbiology.
Evaluation of experimental knowledge during the period of practical exercise.
Written exam based on analysis of case reports.
Notes including key figures, power point presentation, and key papers summarizing each chapter.
Ouvrages de référence ; sites internet et adresses d'organismes intéressants
Food, nutrition and the prevention of cancer : a global perspective World Cancer Research Fund & American Institute for Cancer Research, 1997
Monographies de la chaire Danone (adresse : 100 Rue du Duc, B-1150, Bruxelles ; Téléphone : 02 770 63 54 ; Email : institut_danone@pophost.eunet.be ; site : www.danone-institute.com)
Documents édités par Ilsi (international life sciences institute Europe) ; ouvrage à consulter en PMNT : " Present Knowledge in Nutrition " eigth Edition (2001). Téléphone 02 771 00 14 ; email : info@ilsieurope.be ; site : http://europe.ilsi/org
" Nutrition in the prevention an treatment of disease " Eds Coulston, Rock et Monse. Academic Press, 2001
" Handbood of food-drug interactions " Eds B.J. McCabe, E.H. Frankel, J.J. Wolfe. CRC press (2003)
" Aliments fonctionnels " Eds M. Roberfroid ; Edition Tec & Doc, Lavoisier (2002)
Modern Aspects of Nutrition : Present knowledge and future pespectives Eds Elmadfa Karger Publishers 2003
Table de composition des aliments (Belgique) ; NUBEL site : www.nubel.com
Autres sites intéressants et adresses :
EUFIC (Conseil Européen de l'information sur l'alimentation) ; www.eufic.org et www.coolfoodplanet.org
Health and Food (bulletin nutritionnel mensuel) Eds Sciences Today tél fax 02 653 21 58

Other credits in programs


Deuxième année du grade de pharmacien

(3.5 credits)


Ce site a été conçu en collaboration avec ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand - Contact : info@md.ucl.ac.be
Dernière mise à jour : 25/05/2005