The objectives of the course will include and analyse in a critical way the acquisitions and treatments of experimental results necessary to the study of a chemical problem. The emphasis will be particularly put on the polyvalent character of the techniques and methods used.
Main themes
The course contains a practical and theoretical formation to the experimental methods of physical chemistry. The aspects treated are mainly:
- thermodynamics in gaseous and condensed conditions (thermo chemistry, phase balance, chemical balance, solution properties, ...)
- the cinetics of chemical reactions (determination of reaction orders, speed constants, ...)
- the properties of transports (gaz cinetic theories, viscosity of gases and liquids, electric field effects, ...)
- Electrochemistry (conductivity, ...)
- Molecular properties (spectroscopy: IR, UV, ..., dielectric properties, ...).
Other credits in programs
Première licence en sciences chimiques
(5 credits)