UCL - Etudes

Premier cycle
Deuxième cycle
Troisième cycle
Certificats (programmes non académiques)
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Renseignements généraux

Physique appliquée au bâtiment II : techniques spéciales - Partie A : conception - Partie B : dimensionnement [AMCO2363]
[45h+15h exercises] 4 credits

Version française

Printable version

This course is taught in the 1st semester


Jacques Claessens, Christian Eugène, Jean-Claude Samin, Jean-Marie Seynhaeve




2nd cycle course

>> Aims
>> Main themes
>> Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)
>> Other credits in programs


Learning to design and calculate the air conditioning and lighting installations of a building.

Main themes

Typology of different special building techniques (part A)
Types of energy and renewable energy (parts A and B)
Rational use of energy (part A)
Principles of design in view of the type of building and the type of occupancy (parts A and B)
Principles of regulation (parts A and B)
Electricity and home automation (part B)
Calculation models (part B)
Relation between climatic architecture and special building techniques (part B)
The course is given in French.

Other information (prerequisite, evaluation (assessment methods), course materials recommended readings, ...)

Course AUCE 1901 Comfort and Physical Features of Buildings (thermics, acoustics and lighting).
The evaluation is done by an examination in French.

Other credits in programs


Deuxième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil architecte

(4 credits)



Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil architecte

(4 credits)


Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil des constructions

(4 credits)


Troisième année du programme conduisant au grade d'ingénieur civil mécanicien

(4 credits)

Ce site a été conçu en collaboration avec ADCP, ADEF, CIO et SGSI
Responsable : Jean-Louis Marchand - Contact : secretaire@fsa.ucl.ac.be
Dernière mise à jour : 25/05/2005