This course is the sequel of MATH 2440 "Analyse statistique". Its objective is to provide to
students who intend to obtain a doctor degree the necessary basic tools in order to perform
statistical research.
Cahier des charges
1. Asymptotic Theory in Parametric Inference : M-and Z-Estimators, Contiguity and Local
Asymptotic Normality.
2. U-Statistics.
3. Empirical Processes
4. Von Mises Differentiable Statistical Function : Nonparametric M-Estimators.
5. Functional Delta Method
This course is the sequel of MATH 2440 "Analyse statistique". Its objective is to provide to students who intend to obtain a doctor degree the necessary basic tools in order to perform statistical research.
Content :
1. Asymptotic Theory in Parametric Inference : M-and Z-Estimators, Contiguity and Local Asymptotic Normality.
2. U-Statistics.
3. Empirical Processes
4. Von Mises Differentiable Statistical Function : Nonparametric M-Estimators.
5. Functional Delta Method
Autres informations du cahier des charges
References :
SAS (2001), Fundamentals of the SAS system, Cary NC, Sas Institute Inc.
SAS (2000), SAS programming, Cary NC, Sas Institute Inc.
SAS (2001), SQL processing with the SAS system, Cary NC, Sas Institute Inc.
SAS (2001), SAS Macro language , Cary NC, Sas Institute Inc.
SAS (2000), Optimizing SAS programs, Cary NC, Sas Institute Inc.
Le cours STAT3100 est mentionné dans les programmes suivants :
Diplôme d'études approfondies en statistique
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Valeurs ECTS de l'activité
diplôme d'études approfondies en statistique (statistique et économétrie)
(6 ECTS)
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Diplôme d'études approfondies en statistique (méthodologie de la statistique)
diplôme d'études approfondies en statistique (pratique de la statistique)
(6 ECTS)
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Valeur ECTS par défaut
(6 ECTS)
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