Segal-Bargmann transformations on superspaces
by Sam Claerebout (Ghent University)
Location: Campus Sterre, Building S8, Classroom 3.2, Ghent
Time: Friday April 26, 2019 at
The classical Segal-Bargmann is an integral transform between the Schrödinger space of square-integrable functions and the Fock space of holomorphic functions. In recent works the Segal-Bargmann transform was reinterpreted as an intertwining operator between realisations on the Schrödinger and the Fock space of the minimal representation of a Lie algebra. In this talk I will give a generalisation of this approach to superspaces in order to obtain a Segal-Bargmann transform as an integral transform that intertwines the Schrödinger and Fock model for the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(p,2 | 2n). |