Universality of the conditional measure of the Bessel point process
by Leslie Molag (KU Leuven)
Location: 200B.02.18, Leuven
Time: Thursday November 22, 2018 at
The Sine, the Bessel and the Airy process are examples of Rigid point processes, whose conditional measures are almost surely an orthogonal polynomial ensemble. This is a relatively recent result by Alexander Bufetov.
In a more recent article Arno Kuijlaars and Erwin Miña-Díaz considered the Sine process, conditioned to an interval $I=[-R,R]$.
They proved that the conditional measure will converge back to the Sine process as $R\to\infty$.
In this talk we consider the Bessel process, which we condition to an interval $I=[0,R]$.
Indeed we show that the equivalent result holds for the Bessel process, the conditional measure will converge back to the Bessel process as $R\to \infty$.
We will make use of Riemann-Hilbert techniques and techniques from the recent article by Arno Kuijlaars and Erwin Miña-Díaz.
This is joint work with Marco Stevens.