
Higher index formula for a class of Fourier integral operators

by Ryszard Nest (University of Copenhagen)

Location: CYCL07, Louvain-la-Neuve
Time: Monday February 5, 2018 at 16:00

We will formulate and sketch a proof of a \(\Gamma\)-equivariant version of the algebraic index theorem, where \(\Gamma\) is a discrete group of automorphisms of a formal deformation of a symplectic manifold. The particular cases of this result are the algebraic version of the transversal index theorem related to the theorem of A. Connes and H. Moscovici for hypoelliptic operators and the index theorem for the extension of the algebra of pseudodifferential operators by a group of diffeomorphisms of the underlying manifold due to A. Savin, B. Sternin, E. Schrohe and D. Perrot.

This is joint work with Alexander Gorokhovsky and Niek de Kleijn.


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