Message of the Coordinators
We take the opportunity to remind you all about the IAP study day organized in Namur on May 16th by the new team that joined our DYSCO network. The full program can be found here and promises to be very interesting. This is an ideal opportunity to hear more about complex sytems and their connections to the research topics of DYSCO. We hope to see many of you there.

Vincent Blondel and Paul Van Dooren
DYSCO coordinators
Newsletter subscription

The newsletter Dysco News is the monthly newsletter of the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole "Dynamical systems, control and optimization" (DYSCO) funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office. The DYSCO network includes partners at UCL, KUL, UGent, VUB, ULg, UMons, UNamur, and international partners at Stanford, Princeton and MIT. Isystems, control and optimization. Subscription is free and open to anyone: subscribe here, or unsubscribe.
Staff Movements and Visitors
- Yadong Liu (China), host J. Suykens, 1/05/2014-28/05/2014.
- Fanglin Chen (China), host J. Suykens, 01/05/2014-28/05/2014.
- Alberto Torres (Spain), host J. Suykens, 16/05/2014-15/07/2014.
- Prof K. Miettinen (Department of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland) visits KULeuven - OPTEC from 13 to 15 May, 2014.
- Jure Leskovec, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, USA, 15-16 May 2014.
- Marian Boguña Espinal, Departament de Física Fonamental, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 15-16 May 2014.
- May 20, 2014 – 14:00, Euler seminar room
Damien Ernst (ULg), The Global Grid
- April 17, 2014 - 14:00-17:00, UZ Leuven, Gasthuisberg, Aud. ON4 04.330.
Biomed workshop on Neonatal brain monitoring - May 14, 2014 - 15:00-17:00, Computer Science 200A 05.001, Celestijnenlaan 200A, 3001 Heverlee
Simon Stevin Lecture : On Interactive Multiobjective Optimization and Experiences on Some Engineering Applications by Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland).
More information here - May 22, 2014 - 13:00-16:00, ESAT Room 00.62.
BIOMED workshop on Advanced signal processing for monitoring of epileptic patients
Systmod weekly seminars normally take place on each Friday, 11am. They are announced on this webpage.
Unless otherwise stated, naXys weekly seminars take place on each Tuesday, 1pm, in the Salle de Conférence (room E25), Department of Mathematics, 2nd floor of the Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion building, Rempart de la Vierge 8, Namur. They are announced on this webpage.
Graduate School in Systems, Optimization, Control and Networks
The SOCN Graduate School 2014-2015 programme will be available soon.
Study Days, Workshops and Summer Schools
PAI DYSCO Study Day: Namur, May 16, 2014
University of Namur, Amphithéâtre Pedro Arrupe PA02
The program of this day can be found here.
Kickoff Meeting ERC Advanced grant Biotensors (S. Van Huffel) : May 13, 2014
KU Leuven, Electrical Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, auditorium A and 00.57
The program of this day can be found here.
OPTEC short course : Introduction to Some Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization
Lecturer : Kaisa Miettinen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
When : May 14, 2014 10:00 AM to May 15, 2014 12:15 PM
Where : Chemical Engineering PW 01.01, W. de Croylaan 46 B 3001 Leuven.
Abstract :
In multiobjective optimization, the goal is to find the best possible solution in the presence of several, conflicting objectives. Multiobjective optimization is important because most real-life problems contain more than one objective and they should be considered simultaneously. Using mathematical tools we can define a set of nondominated or Pareto optimal solutions where none of the objective values can be improved without impairing at least one of the other objective values. Because vectors cannot be ordered completely, we need some some additional preference information from an expert, a decision maker, to find the most preferred Pareto optimal solution as the final solution to be implemented.
Multiobjective optimization methods can be classified according to the role of the decision maker in the solution process. We review different types of methods and summarize their strengths and weaknesses. We pay most attention to interactive methods, where the decision maker takes actively part in the solution process and directs the search for the final solution according to her/his desires and hopes. This enables the decision maker to gain insight about the interdependencies of the conflicting objectives and learn about one's own preferences. Among the methods to be discussed is the classification-based NIMBUS method.
Finally, we study some complex real-life problems that have been successively solved by applying multiobjective optimization software and demonstrate how useful it is to consider several objectives simultaneously. The problems are related, for example, to chemical engineering processes, optimal shape design and wastewater treatment. To conclude, we collect some experiences.
Registration to the course : participation to this course if free, but for organisational reasons we ask the persons, interested in the course, to register by sending an email to with cc to
PDF announcement here.
Papers produced by the IAP Network
Suviseshamuthu, Easter Selvan, Nonsmooth ICA Contrast Minimization Using a Riemannian Nelder-Mead Method. In: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, (2014), accepted.
Boumal, Nicolas; Singer, Amit; Absil, Pierre-Antoine; Blondel, Vincent, Cramér-Rao bounds for synchronization of rotations. In: Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, Vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1-39 (2013). doi:10.1093/imaiai/iat006.
Van Dooren, Paul; Strang, Gilbert, Symmetric elimination without pivoting. In: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 452, p. 40-45 (2014).
Deville, Pierre; Wang, Dashun; Sinatra, Roberta; Song, Chaoming; Blondel, Vincent; Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo, Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 4, no.4770, p. 1-7 (April 2014). doi:10.1038/srep04770.
Freitag, Melina A.; Spence, Alastair; Van Dooren, Paul, Calculating the Hoo-norm using the implicit determinant method. In: SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, (2014). doi:10.1137/130933228, accepted.
Mafwila Kinkela, Patrick; Bindelle, Jérôme; Willems, Emilie; Kambashi Mutiaka, Bienvenu; Picron, Pascale; Ntoto, Roger; Rollin, Xavier; Dochain, Denis; Mafwila Mbona, Jacques, Integrated farming systems in Kinshasa (DRC) Diversity of agricultural practices. 19ème Symposium National sur les Sciences Biologiques Appliquées (Gembloux, 7/02/2014).
Browet, Arnaud; Van Dooren, Paul, Low-rank Similarity Measure for Role Model Extraction. Accepted for presentation at MTNS 2014 (Groningen, The Netherlands, 7/07/2014 - 11/07/2014).
Hildebrand, Roland; Gevers, Michel, Central Extensions in Closed-loop Optimal Experiment Design. CDC 2013 (Florence, Italy, 10/12/2013 - 13/12/2013). In: Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013, 978-1-4673-5716-6, p. 5822-5827.
De Cock, Alexander; Gevers, Michel; Schoukens, Johan, A preliminary study on Optimal Input Design for Nonlinear Systems. CDC 2013 (Florence, Italy, 10/12/2013 - 13/12/2013). In: Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013, p. 4931-4936.
Gevers, Michel; Bazanella, Alexandre S.; Coutinho, Daniel F.; Dasgupta, Soura, Identifiability and Excitation of Linearly Parametrized Rational Systems. CDC 2013 (Florence, Italy, 10/12/2013 - 13/12/2013). In: Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013, p. 4278-4283.
A. De Cock, M. Gevers and J. Schoukens, D-Optimal Input Design for FIR-type Nonlinear Systems: A Dispersion-based Approach, submitted to Automatica, 2014.
Fernando De Teran, Froilan M. Dopico, Paul Van Dooren, Matrix polynomials with completely prescribed eigenstructure, submitted to Siam Journal on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, 2014.
Crevecoeur F., McIntyre J., Thonnard J-L, Lefèvre P., Gravity-dependent estimates of object mass underlie the generation of motor commands for horizontal limb movements, Journal of Neurophysiology, in press, 2014.
Feng Y., Yang Y., Suykens J. A. K., Robust gradient learning with applications, Internal Report 14-62, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Mehrkanoon S., Huang X., Suykens J.A.K., Non-parallel Classifiers with Different Loss Functions, Internal Report 14-68, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Caicedo A., Varon C., Alderliesten T., Lemmers P., van Bel F., Naulaers G., Van Huffel S., Differences in the Cerebral Hemodynamics Regulation Mechanisms of Premature Infants with Intra-Ventricular Hemorrhage Assessed by Means of Phase Rectified Signal Averaging, Internal Report 14-70, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Varon C., Caicedo A., Jansen K., Lagae L., Van Huffel S., Detection of epileptic seizures from single lead ECG by means of phase rectified signal averaging, Internal Report 14-71, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Hunyadi B., Tousseyn S., Dupont P., Van Huffel S., Van Paesschen W., De Vos M., Automatic selection of epileptic independent fMRI components, Internal Report 14-72, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Widjaja D., Faes L., Montalto A., Van Diest I., Marinazzo D., Van Huffel S., Information Dynamics in Cardiorespiratory Analyses: Application to Controlled Breathing, Internal Report 14-75, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Faes L., Widjaja D., Van Huffel S., Nollo G., Investigating Cardiac and Respiratory Determinants of Heart Rate Variability in an Information-Theoretic Framework, Internal Report 14-76, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Widjaja D., Varon C., Testelmans D., Buyse B., Faes L., Van Huffel S., Separating respiratory influences from the tachogram: methods and their sensitivity to the type of respiratory signal, Internal Report 14-77, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014.
Telen D., Logist F., Quirynen R., Houska B., Diehl M., Van Impe J., Optimal experiment design for nonlinear dynamic (bio)chemical systems using sequential semidefinite programming, AIChE Journal, vol. 60, no. 5, May 2014, pp. 1728-1739.
Debrouwere F., Vukov M., Quirynen R., Diehl M., Swevers J., Experimental validation of combined nonlinear optimal control and estimation of an overhead crane, Internal Report 14-80, ESAT-SISTA, KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2014. Accepted for publication in IFAC World Congres, Cape Town, South Africa, Aug. 2014.
D. Telen, F. Logist, R. Quirynen, B. Houska, M. Diehl and J. Van Impe, ''Optimal experiment design for nonlinear dynamic (bio)chemical systems using sequential semidefinite programming, AIChE Journal 60 (5): 1728-1739, 2014.
B. Huyck, J. De Brabanter, B. De Moor, J. Van Impe and F. Logist, Online model predictive control of industrial processes using low level control hardware: a pilot-scale distillation column case study, Control Engineering Practice 28: 34–48, 2014.
D. Telen, D. Vercammen, F. Logist, J.F.M. Van Impe, Robust optimal experiment design for nonlinear dynamic systems, accepted for presentation at the 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED2014).
M. Vallerio, D. Vercammen, J.F.M. Van Impe, F. Logist, Expanding the Exploration of the Criterion Space for Multi-Objective Optimal Control Problems, accepted for presentation at the European Control Conference 2014 (ECC2014).
Floriana Gargiulo and Timoteo Carletti, Driving forces of researchers' mobility', Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), accepted, 2014.
IAP Contact Persons
UCL | Isabelle Hisette |
KUL | Ida Tassens |
UGent | Margot Roels |
VUB | Ann Pintelon |
ULg | Sophie Cimino |
UMons | Laurent Dewasme |
UNamur | Joseph Winkin |