Message of the Coordinators
We take the opportunity here to remind you once more about the next DYSCO day, organized by the VUB team on November 22 at the "Palais des Académies" in Brussels. The study days play an important role for encouraging joint research between partners of our network and we therefore strongly encourage you to participate in this event. Please advertise it within your respective teams !
We hope to see many of you in Brussels.

Vincent Blondel and Paul Van Dooren
DYSCO coordinators
Newsletter subscription

The newsletter Dysco News is the monthly newsletter of the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole "Dynamical systems, control and optimization" (DYSCO) funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office. The DYSCO network includes partners at UCL, KUL, UGent, VUB, ULg, UMons, FUNDP, and international partners at Stanford, Princeton and MIT. It is the Belgian National member of IFAC. The newsletter contains information on research activities (visitors, seminars, publications, vacancies, etc.) related to dynamical systems, control and optimization. Subscription is free and open to anyone: subscribe here, or unsubscribe.
Staff Movements and Visitors
- Hector HERNANDEZ (Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico) will be at INMA between October 28 and December 5. He will work with Denis Dochain on the topic "Discrete control of bioreactors".
- Ioannis LESTAS (Cambridge University, UK), October 28-29, 2013.
- Girish NAIR (University of Melbourne, Australia), November 11-13, 2013
- Masaki OGURA (Texas Tech. University, USA) will visit us from 13 to 27 November. He will work with Raphaël Jungers and his team.
- Antoine Vandermeesch, PhD : promotor B. De Moor, starting date November 1, 2013
- Istvan Kollar, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 5/11 – 7/11/2013
- Hao Chen, School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading, UK, 12/11 – 13/12/2013
- On the 1st of November, Prof. Edmundo Rocha Cozatl from UNAM (Mexico) will visit our team until the 15th of November and work on unknown input observers.
- From the 15th of November to the 1st of December, Dr. Carlos Vilas from the CSIC (Vigo) will join the team in order to work on numerical techniques for partial differential equations.
- PhD students
- Justin Buhendwa, supervisor : A. Sartenaer
- Martin Gueuning (thesis under joint supervision UCL/UNamur), supervisors : R. Lambiotte and J-C Delvenne
- Alexis Petit, supervisor: A. Lemaître
- Post-Docs
- Luis E. C. Rocha, host : R. Lambiotte
- Ceyda Sanli (PhD Utrecht), host : R. Lambiotte
- Claudia CIANCI, PhD Student on "Complex systems and nonlinear dynamics" at the Department of Systems and Computer Science, University of Florence (Italy). She will mainly work with T. Carletti on "reaction-diffusion equations: from the micro to the macro level" (End of October–End of November, 2013)
- Ying TANG, PhD student on "Systems of conservation laws" at Gipsa-lab, Department "Automatique", Université de Grenoble, France. She will mainly work with J. Winkin on "boundary control of hyperbolic systems" (November 11-16, 2013)
- November 12, 2013 – 14:00, Euler seminar room
Girish Nair (University of Melbourne, Australia), Elements of a Nonstochastic Information Theory - November 25, 2013 – 14:00, Euler seminar room
Frédéric Thalasso (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Cinvestav), Mexico City), Recent advances in the field of respirometry for the characterization of biological processes
ELEC Seminars take place at the department ELEC (Pleinlaan 2, Building K, 7th floor) every two weeks, normally on Thursdays in the morning. The final time and date are announced at least one week before a seminar at
Systmod weekly seminars normally take place on each Friday, 11am. They are announced on this webpage.
Unless otherwise stated, naXys weekly seminars take place on each Tuesday, 1pm, in the Salle de Conférence (room E25), Department of Mathematics, 2nd floor of the Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion building, Rempart de la Vierge 8, Namur. They are announced on this webpage.
- November 5, 2013
Philippe TOINT (naXys, Unamur), Une promenade informelle dans le monde de l'optimisation mathématique, 5-7 pm, Salle du Conseil Provincial, place Saint-Aubain 2, Namur. - November 14, 2013
Ying TANG (Gipsa-lab, université de Grenoble, France), Lyapunov stability of a singularly perturbed system of two conservation laws. - November 19, 2013
Marko KRYVOBOKOV (Centre d'Etudes en Habitat Durable (CEHD), Charleroi), Collaboration potentielle: simulation urbaine et modélisation des prix immobiliers. - November 26, 2013
Romualdo Pastor SATORRAS (Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Barcelona), title to be announced.
Graduate School in Systems, Optimization, Control and Networks
The SOCN Graduate School 2013-2014 programme is available here :
The next course is entitled Statistical machine learning. It will be given by Guillaume OBOZINSKI (Ecole des Ponts - ParisTech) on February 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21, 2013 (9:00-12:00) at UCL, Bâtiment Euler, 4 av. Georges Lemaître, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (room A002, ground floor).
More information about this course :
On-line registrations are welcome via this form.
Study Days, Workshops and Summer Schools
PAI DYSCO Study Day : Palais des académies, Brussels, November 22, 2013
The program of this day can be found here : DYSCO Study Day.
7th edition of the Brussels ELEC Spring Doctoral School on Identification of (Non)-linear Dynamic Systems, 12 May – 6 June 2014, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Within the department ELEC of the VUB, we organize the 7th edition of a 4 weeks spring school (from 12th of May 2014 till 6th of June 2014) to give an intensive training on advanced modelling and simulation techniques of (non)linear dynamic systems, starting from experimental data.
Besides classical courses and exercises, we also provide hands-on experience by working on experimental data that you will measure yourself. The participants should have a good basic knowledge in system theory and signal processing. The course covers the following topics:
- A basic introduction to system identification,
- Measuring dynamic systems
- Identification of dynamic systems,
- Measuring and modeling of nonlinear systems,
- Simulation tools for nonlinear systems,
- Nonlinear distortion analysis in microwave and integrated circuits and systems.
In addition, we are proud to announce that Dr. Francesco Ferranti, Post-Doctoral Researcher with Department of Information Technology at Ghent University (Belgium), will offer during the spring school the invited lecture "Parameterized macromodeling methods for system identification of scalable systems". The invited lecture is an 8-hour course offered over two days: 26-27 May 2014.
The maximum number of participants will be restricted to 15 researchers. The ELEC Spring Doctoral School has no tuition fee.
Participation to this workshop offers a number of advantages. Besides the training, it can also be the start of a collaboration.
To some of the participants we can offer a one year grant to start a research collaboration, or even a full four years grant for a (joint) PhD.
Full information about the courses and application can be found in the Doctoral School's website.
Interested candidates are invited to upload their curriculum vitae, together with a short (one page long) letter of motivation, stating why they would like to follow this course, and this before January 17th 2014. They can also express their interest in the possibility for a longer cooperation.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to have more information (Johan Schoukens, Department ELEC, VUB)
EECI course on Randomized Algorihtms for Systems, Control and Networks (Paris, February 3 to 7, 2014)
This course, offered by the European Embedded Control Institute in the framework of the International Graduate School on Control, will be given by Roberto Tempo and Fabrizio Dabbene (CNR-IEIT, Politecnico di Torino, Italy). The lecturers will emphasize network applications and show the power of randomized algorithms for solving these problems.
More information in the EECI flyer (PDF)
Michel Gevers was elected to become a member of the Academia Europaea where he joins Joos Vandewalle from our DYSCO network as representative of Engineering Sciences.
UTRCI Research Scientist, Control Systems/Optimization
At its European research hub in Cork, Ireland, UTRC undertakes research and development for the next generation of energy, security, and aerospace systems. We are seeking world-class engineers and researchers with expertise in control systems and optimization.
Interested candidates with exceptional academic credentials and a demonstrated ability to stand out who hold a Ph.D. or M.S. degree in a relevant engineering or scientific discipline should read more on the following flyer (link) and can contact Emile Simon at for more information, or for submitting their application.
You can also come meet us directly in Florence at our stand at the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013)!
Here is the recruitment flyer (PDF).
Papers produced by the IAP Network
Ahmadi, Amir Ali; Jungers, Raphaël M.; Parrilo, Pablo A.; Roozbehani, Mardavij. Analysis of the Joint Spectral Radius via Lyapunov Functions on Path-Complete Graphs. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, (2013). (Accepted).
Barje, Nadia; Achhab, Mohammed Elarbi; Wertz, Vincent. Exponential Observer for a Class of Exothermal Axial Dispersion Reactors. In: Journal of Automation and Control, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 14-20 (2013). doi:10.12691/automation-1-1-3.
Barje, Nadia; Achhab, Mohammed Elarbi; Wertz, Vincent, State Estimators for a Class of Isothermal Tubular Reactors. In: International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 2, no.8, p. 2833 (August 2013).
Barje, Nadia; Achhab, Mohammed Elarbi; Wertz, Vincent. Observer Design for a Class of Exothermal Plug-Flow Tubular Reactors. In: International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, Vol. 2, no.4, p. 273-282 (2013).
Traag, Vincent; Krings, Gautier; Van Dooren, Paul. Significant Scales in Community Structure. In: Scientific Reports, Vol. 3, no.2930 (October 2013). doi:10.1038/srep02930.
Suviseshamuthu, Easter Selvan; Subathra, M. S. P.; Christinal, A. Hepzibah; Amato, Umberto. On the benefits of Laplace samples in solving a rare event problem using cross-entropy method. In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2013). (Accepted).
Orban de Xivry, Jean-Jacques; Coppe, Sébastien; Blohm, Gunnar; Lefèvre, Philippe. Kalman filtering naturally accounts for visually-guided and predictive smooth pursuit dynamics. In: The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 33, no. 44, p. 17301-17313 (October 2013). doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2321-13.2013.
Protasov, Vladimir; Jungers, Raphaël M.. Is switching systems stability harder for continuous time systems?. CDC 2013 (Florence, Italy, 10/12/2013 - 13/12/2013).
Ahmadi, Amir Ali; Jungers, Raphaël M.. SOS-Convex Lyapunov Functions with Applications to Nonlinear Switched Systems. CDC 2013 (Florence, Italy, 10/12/2013 - 13/12/2013).
Blondel, Vincent; Jungers, Raphaël M.; Olshevsky, Alexander. On Primitivity of Sets of Matrices. CDC 2013 (Florence, Italy, 10/12/2013 - 13/12/2013).
M. Vallerio, J. Van Impe and F. Logist 2013. Tuning of NMPC controllers via multi-objective optimisation, Computers and Chemical Engineering (Accepted for publication)
J. Bonilla, F. Logist, B. Huyck, J. Degreve, B. De Moor and J. Van Impe 2013. A simultaneous approach for calibrating Rate Based Models of packed distillation columns based on multiple experiments, Chemical Engineering Science 104: 228-232.
P. Van den Kerkhof, J. Vanlaer, G. Gins and J.F.M. Van Impe 2013. Analysis of smearing-out in contribution plot based fault isolation for Statistical Process Control, Chemical Engineering Science 104: 285-293.
G. Gins, J. Vanlaer, J.F.M. Van Impe 2013. The Impact of Process Variability on Statistical Process Monitoring, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol’13) : 306–311. [2nd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol’13), Nice, France, October 9-11, 2013]
R. Van den Broeck, A.-S. Pattyn, J.F.M. Van Impe 2013. Optimal control strategy for membrane filtration in submerged membrane bioreactors, Proceedings of the 3rd BeNeLux Young Water Professionals Conference [3rd BeNeLux Young Water Professionals Conference, Belval (Luxemburg), October 2-4, 2013]
N. Van de Moortel, R. Van den Broeck, R. Dewil, J.F.M. Van Impe 2013. Ozone-induced bioflocculation of activated sludge, Proceedings of the 3rd IWA BeNeLux Regional Young Water Professionals Conference [BeNeLux Young Water Professionals Conference, Belval (Luxembourg), October 2-4, 2013]
Varon C., Alzate C., Suykens J.A.K., Noise Level Estimation for Model Selection in Kernel PCA Denoising, Internal Report 13-172, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Gligorijevic I., Spike train discrimination and analysis in neural and surface electromyography (sEMG) applications, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), Apr. 2013, 183 p.
Domanov I., Study of Canonical Polyadic Decomposition of Higher-Order Tensors, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), Sep. 2013, 143 p.
De Moor B. (ed), Liber Amicorum Joos Vandewalle, KU Leuven, STADIUS (Leuven, Belgium), 2013, 167 p.
De Vos M., Gandras K., Debener S., Towards a truly mobile auditory brain-computer interface: Exploring the P300 to take away, Internal Report 13-178, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Debener S., Cranczioch C., De Vos M., Electroencephalography: Current trends and future directions., in Chapter of Neuroeconomics, (Reuter M., and Montag C., eds.), - (London), 2014, pp. 1-15.
De Vos M., Kroesen M., Emkes R., Debener S., P300 spelling with a small, wireless and mobile EEG amplifier: comparing performance to a traditional lab amplifier, Internal Report 13-180, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Strobbe G., van Mierlo P., De Vos M., Mijovic B., Hallez H., Van Huffel S., David Lopez J., Vandenberghe S., Improved EEG source reconstruction using MRI based finite difference forward models, Internal Report 13-181, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Dhinakaran J., De Vos M., Thorne J.D., Braun N., Janson J., Kranczioch. S., Mood and Distribution of Attention: Behavioural and Electrophysiological Evidence, Internal Report 13-182, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Zich C., De Vos M., Kranczioch C., Debener S., Wireless EEG with individual electrode positions facilitates motor imagery training, Internal Report 13-183, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Janson J., De Vos M., Thorne J.D., Cranczioch C., Endogenous and RSVP-induced alpha band oscillations in the Attentional Blink, Internal Report 13-184, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Dhinakaran J., De Vos M., Thorne J.D., Cranczioch C., Modulation of Attention and Neuroticism: Evidence from ssVEPs, Internal Report 13-185, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Matic V., Cherian PJ., Widjaja D., Jansen K., Naulaers G., Van Huffel S., De Vos M., Heart Rate Variability in Newborns with Hypoxic Brain Injury, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol. 789, May 2013, pp. 43-48.
Matic V., Cherian PJ., Jansen K., Koolen N., Naulaers G., Swarte RM., Govaert P., Van Huffel S., De Vos M., Automated detection of dynamic interburst intervals in the EEG of neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Internal Report 13-187, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Matic V., Cherian PJ., Jansen K., Koolen N., Naulaers G., Swarte RM., Govaert P., Van Huffel S., De Vos M., Improving the reliability of automatically detected dynamic interburst intervals in neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Internal Report 13-188, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Signoretto M., De Lathauwer L., Suykens J., Learning Tensors in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces with Multilinear Spectral Penalties, Internal Report 13-189, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Signoretto M., Suykens J. A. K., Multilinear Spectral Regularization for Kernel-based Multitask Learning, Internal Report 13-190, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Van Cauter S., Diana M. Sima D.M., Croitor Sava A.R., Veraart J., Sunaert S., Sabine Van Huffel S., Uwe Himmelreich U., Comparison of diffusion kurtosis imaging, dynamic susceptibility weighted imaging and short echo time chemical shift imaging for grading gliomas
Sima D.M., Van Cauter S. Croitor Sava A.R., Himmelreich U. Van Huffel S., Metabolite variability in gliomas using SENSE-accelerated Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging at 3T: a statistical perspective
Sauwen N.P.L., Sima D.M., Van Cauter S., Veraart J., Himmelreich U., Van Huffel S., Increasing tumor grade separability by combining MR parameters
Laudadio T., Croitor Sava A.R., Sima D.M., Wright A., Heerschap A., Van Huffel S., Hierarchical non-negative matrix factorization applied to in vivo 3T MRSI prostate data for automatic detection and visualization of tumours
Croitor Sava A.R., Wright A., Sima D.M., Laudadio T., Van Huffel S., Heerschap A., Himmelreich U., Automatic Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging segmentation using blind source separation techniques
Gemmeke J., Ons B., Tessema N.M., Van hamme H., Van de Loo J., De Pauw G., Daelemans W., Huyghe J., Derboven J., Vuegen L., Van Den Broeck B., Karsmakers P., Vanrumste B., Self-taught assistive vocal interfaces : An overview of the ALADIN project, in Proc. of The 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) (Interspeech 2013), Lyon, France, Aug. 2013, pp. 2038-2043.
Vuegen L., Van Den Broeck B., Karsmakers P., Van hamme H., Vanrumste B., Automatic monitoring of activities of daily living based on real-life acoustic sensor data : a preliminary study, in Proc. of the 4th workshop on speech and language processing for assistive technologies (SLPAT 2013), Grenoble, France, Aug. 2013, pp. 1-6.
Gemmeke J., Vuegen L., Karsmakers P., Vanrumste B., Van hamme H., An exemplar-based NMF approach to audio event detection, in Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on applications of signal processing to audio and acoustics (WASPAA 2013), New Paltz New York, USA, Oct. 2013, pp. 1-4.
Van Den Broeck B., Vuegen L., Van hamme H., Moonen M., Karsmakers P., Vanrumste B., Footstep localization based on in-home microphone-array signals, in Proc. of the 12th European AAATE Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep. 2013, pp. 90-94.
Cuppens K., Vanrumste B., Chen C.W., Wong K.B.Y., AghajanH., Tuytelaars T., Van De Vel A., Ceulemans B., Lagae L., Van Huffel S., Integrating video and accelerometer signals for nocturnal epileptic seizure detection, in Proc. of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2012), Santa Monica, USA, Oct. 2012, pp. 161-164.
Cuppens K., Karsmakers P., Van De Vel A., Bonroy B., Milosevic M., Lagae L., Ceulemans B., Van Huffel S., Vanrumste B., Handling unbalanced data in nocturnal epileptic seizure detection using accelerometers, in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2013), Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 2013, pp. 447-452.
Vlaeyen E., Deschodt M., Debard G., Dejaeger E., Boonen S., Goedemé T., Vanrumste B., Milisen K., Fall incidents unraveled : a series of 26 video-based real-life fall events in three frail older persons, BMC Geriatrics, vol. 2013, no. 103, 2013, pp. 1-10.
Mall R., Anbari El M., Bensmail H., Suykens J., Sparse Reductions to Kernel Spectral Clustering for Microarray Datasets, Internal Report 13-203, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Willemen T., Van Deun D., Verhaert V., Vandekerckhove M., Exadaktylos V., Verbraecken J., Van Huffel S., Haex B., Vander Sloten J., An evaluation of cardio-respiratory and movement features with respect to sleep stage classification, Internal Report 13-204, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013. Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
Ahrens U., Diehl M., Schmehl R., (eds.), Airborne Wind Energy, Springer, 2013, 611 p.
Horn G., Gros S., Diehl M., Numerical trajectory optimization for airborne wind energy systems described by high fidelity aircraft models, in Chapter 11 Airborne Wind Energy , (Ahrens U., Diehl M., and Schmehl R. , eds.), Springer, 2013, pp. 205-218.
Geebelen K., Vukov M., Wagner A., Ahmad H., Zanon M., Gros S., Vandepitte D., Swevers J., Diehl M., An experimental test setup for advanced estimation and control of an airborne wind energy system, in Chapter27 Airborne Wind Energy, (Ahrens U., Diehl M., and Schmehl R., eds.), Springer, 2013, pp. 459-471.
Cuppens K., Karsmakers P., Van de Vel A., Bonroy B., Milosevic M., Luca S., Croonenborghs T., Ceulemans B., Lagae L., Van Huffel S., Vanrumste B., Accelerometry-based home monitoring for detection of nocturnal hypermotor seizures based on novelty detection, Internal Report 13-209, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013. Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, pp. 1-6.
Ji L., Rawlings J.B., Hu W., Wynn A., Diehl M., Robust stability of moving horizon estimation under bounded disturbances, Internal Report 13-215, ESAT-SISTA, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2013.
Suykens J.A.K., Gedrag in complexe netwerken, in Chapter 9 of Onweerstaanbaar veranderlijk, Over de cultuur van de wetenschap, (Tollebeek J., Verstraete J.C., and van de Perre E., eds.), Leuven University Press (Leuven, Belgium), 2013, pp. 60-63.
Andersson J., A general-purpose software framework for dynamic optimization, PhD thesis, Faculty of Engineering, K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), Oct. 2013, 164 p.
A. Sarlette and R. Sepulchre, Control limitations from distributed sensing: theory and Extremely Large Telescope application, in cooperation with ESO (M.Dimmler, B.Sedghi, T.Erm): accepted by Automatica.
Griet Monteyne, Saqib Javed, Gerd Vandersteen, Heat transfer in a borehole heat exchanger: Frequency domain modeling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 69, February 2014, pp. 129-139
Zhang, E., R. Pintelon, and J. Schoukens, Errors-in-variables identification of dynamic systems excited by input with arbitrary non-white spectrum, Automatica, Vol. 49, No. 10, October 2013, Pages 3032-3041
Thierry Castermans, Matthieu Duvinage, Guy Cheron, Thierry Dutoit. About the cortical origin of the low-delta and high-gamma rhythms observed in EEG signals during treadmill walking. Submitted to Neuroscience Letters.
M. Sbarciog, J. Moreno, A. Vande Wouwer. Application of Super Twisting Observers to the Estimation of State and Unknown Inputs in an Anaerobic Digestion System. Accepted in Water Science & Technology (2013).
N. Riche, M. Duvinage, M. Mancas, B. Gosselin, T. Dutoit. Saliency and Human Fixations: State-of-the-art and Study of Comparison Metrics. In international Computer Vision, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
L. Dewasme, Z. Amribt, L. O. Santos, A.-L. Hantson, Ph. Bogaerts, A. Vande Wouwer. Hybridoma cell culture optimization using nonlinear model predictive control. Accepted for the 12th IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Biotechnology (2013).
Z. Amribt, L. Dewasme, A. Vande Wouwer, Ph. Bogaerts. Optimal operation of hybridoma cell fed-batch cultures using the overflow metabolism model: numerical and analytical approach. Accepted for the 12th IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Biotechnology (2013).
I. Saraiva, A. Vande Wouwer, A.-L. Hantson, J. A. Moreno. Observability analysis and software sensor design for an animal cell culture in perfusion mode. Accepted for the 12th IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Biotechnology (2013).
M. Sbarciog, D. Coutinho, A. Vande Wouwer. A Cascade MPC-Feedback Linearizing Strategy for the Multivariable Control of Animal Cell Cultures. 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), 4-6 September 2013, Toulouse, France, 247-252.
M. Sbarciog, J.A. Moreno, E. Guzman, A. Vande Wouwer. State and unknown input estimation for an anaerobic digestion system. 11th IWA conference on instrumentation control and automation (ICA), 18-20 September 2013, Narbonne, France.
G. Araujo Pimentel, A. Vande Wouwer, A. Rapaport, J. Harmand. Modeling of submerged membrane bioreactor with a view of control. 11th IWA Conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation (ICA), 18-20 September 2013, Narbonne, France.
M. Sbarciog, D. Coutinho, A. Vande Wouwer. Kinetics independent multivariable robust control of animal cell cultures. ICSTCC, 11-13 October 2013, Sinaia, Romania.
M. Sbarciog, D. Coutinho, A. Vande Wouwer. An adaptive cascade structure for the estimation and control of perfusion animal cell cultures. Accepted for the 12th IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Biotechnology (2013).
P. Almeida, G. Araujo Pimentel, J.-L. Vasel, A.-L. Hantson, A. Rapaport, J. Harmand, A. Donoso-Bravo, A. Vande Wouwer. Analysis of two recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS): Submerged membrane bioreactor and fixed bed biofilter technologies. IWA Young Water Professionals (YWP) 3rd Regional Conference, 2-4 October 2013, Belval, Luxemburg.
G. Araujo Pimentel, A. Vargas, D. Montse, J. Comas, I. Rodriguez-Roda, A. Rapaport, A. Vande Wouwer. An experimental investigation of a simplified MBR dynamic model. Submitted to the 4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar, Spa, Belgium, 2014.
G. Araujo Pimentel, M. Benavides Castro, D. Coutinho, L. Dewasme, A. Vande Wouwer. Robust Partial Feedback Linearizing Control and Switched Observer Design for Fed-Batch Bioreactors. Submitted to the European Control Conference, 24-27 June 2014, Strasbourg, France.
J. R. Dehaye, J. J. Winkin, LQ-Optimal Control by Spectral Factorization of Extended Semigroup Boundary Control Systems with Approximate Boundary Observation, Proceedings of the 52nd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013), to appear.
J.C. Delvenne, R. Lambiotte, L.E.C. Rocha, Bottlenecks, burstiness, and fat tails regulate mixing times of non-Poissonian random walks, submitted.
IAP Contact Persons
UCL | Isabelle Hisette |
KUL | Ida Tassens |
UGent | Margot Roels |
VUB | Ann Pintelon |
ULg | Sophie Cimino |
UMons | Laurent Dewasme |
UNamur | Joseph Winkin |