
The teaching method combines theory and practical experimentations through case studies and thematic conferences by recognized field experts sharing their experiences about successes and failures and debating with participants on how to articulate ethics and management in companies.

On that basis, participants integrate the knowledge acquired through a team analysis of various company compliance programs and the animation of a critical debate around their analysis with the whole group and a compliance executive.

Teaching team
  • Charlotte BANDE (Quantis International)

  • Jan BOCKEN (Eubelius)

  • Rodrigo CUNHA (AB InBev)

  • Yves DE RONGE (UCLouvain)

  • Carlos DESMET (UCLouvain)

  • Pascale DUBOIS (Georgetown University)

  • Michael FERNANDEZ BERTIER (UCLouvain)

  • Alexandre GIRARD (Université Saint Louis), academic co-director of the programme

  • Olivier GOFFARD (Euroclear)

  • Jean-Marc GOLLIER (Eubelius and UCLouvain)

  • Christophe GREVEN (OTIS)

  • Fatma KESKIN (Delhaize)

  • François KONING (Janson Baugniet)

  • Eva LAKOVA (Deloitte)

  • Philippe LAMBRECHT (UCLouvain and FEB/VBO)

  • Hélène LATZER (Université Saint Louis)

  • Benoît OTJACQUES (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology)

  • Alain STROWEL (UCLouvain)

  • Valérie SWAEN (UCLouvain), academic co-director of the programme

  • Vincent VAN BUEREN (Associate Gimv)

  • Anneleen VAN DE MEULEBROUCKE (Eubelius)