30 crédits
Students must gain a total of 30 credits over two blocs; ideally they should aim for 15 credits per year. The list of possible courses is below; however, they should not form part of the compulsory courses for the major in the second or third years.
Theory and methodology
14 credits chosen from:LROM1112 Introduction to the Study of French and Romance Languages and Literature : Trends, Concepts, Methods
q2 30h+15h 5 credits
> Mattia Cavagna
> Jean-Louis Dufays
> Philippe Hambye
Mattia Cavagna, Jean-Louis Dufays , Philippe Hambye
Literature studies
Students must choose two modules of 8 credits from :
Introduction to European and Comparative literature
q1 30h 3 credits
> Laurent Béghin
> Charles Doyen
> Hubert Roland
Laurent Béghin, Charles Doyen , Hubert Roland
Ancient and oriental literatures
q1+q2 45h 5 credits
French literature
q2 60h 5 credits
> Agnès Guiderdoni
> Tania Van Hemelryck (coord.)
Agnès Guiderdoni, Tania Van Hemelryck (coord.)
Non-francophone modern languages
These courses are given in the language of the literature ; linguistic prerequisites corresponding to Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages are required.
These courses are given in the language of the literature ; linguistic prerequisites corresponding to Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages are required.
LROM1272 Italian literature and civilization: the three crowns. From the Middle Ages to the early Renaissance
q1 22.5h+15h 5 credits
> Costantino Maeder (compensates Mattia Cavagna)
Costantino Maeder (compensates Mattia Cavagna)