30 crédits
Students must gain a total of 30 credits over two blocs; ideally they should aim for 15 credits per year.
VERSION A - Etudiant ne souhaitant pas entamer un master en histoire en 2e cycle (30 credits)
Making history: documentary research, criticism, analysis and review
q1+q2 37.5h 5 credits
> Baudouin Van den Abeele
> Laurence Van Ypersele
Baudouin Van den Abeele, Laurence Van Ypersele
LFIAL1430 Critical Examination of Information and Critical Thinking
If this course has already been studied as part of the major, the student will substitute it with an option course.FR
q2 45h+10h 5 credits
> Jean Leclercq
> Laurence Van Ypersele
Jean Leclercq, Laurence Van Ypersele
One compulsory course : (4 credits)
To be chosen from the following courses :
Optional courses
10 credits to be chosen from:
q2 22.5h 5 credits
> Florence Liard (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
Florence Liard (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
q1 30h 5 credits
> Olivier Latteur (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
Olivier Latteur (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
VERSION B - Etudiant souhaitant entamer un master en histoire en 2e cycle (30 credits)
Reserved for Bachelor students from the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters, the Faculty of Law as well as the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication.
Making history: documentary research, criticism, analysis and review (25 credits)
Deux cours obligatoires (8 credits)
A choisir parmi les cours suivants :
Seminar (8 credits)
One seminar to be choose from :
q1 22.5h 8 credits
> Gilles Lecuppre
> Silvia Mostaccio (coord.)
Gilles Lecuppre, Silvia Mostaccio (coord.)
Knowing History : Historical Foundations (5 credits)
On course to be choose from :
q2 22.5h 5 credits
> Florence Liard (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
Florence Liard (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)