Programme détaillé

Human genetics is a relatively young medical discipline which originated in the sixties with the demonstration of chromosomal anomalies in constitutional and acquired disorders. The discipline experienced a rapid growth with the development of DNA analytical methods which enabled the identification of several genetic, mainly monogenic, disorders.

At present, human genetics experiences anoteco growth spurt due to the development of genome-wide analysis tools, high capacity mutation detection methods leading towards complete human genome sequencing. This evolution leads to an ever increasing relevance within all medical disciplines. The current technologies not only enable to identify inherited Mendelian disorders, but also increase our understanding of complex diseases. Human genetics not only enables diagnosis, but is leading more and more to improved guidance and treatment. From this ever increasing importance and complexity, the Belgian Society of Human Genetics identified the need for a course which provides a theoretical basis for human genetics at a PhD level.

The members of the society represent the eight Belgian human genetics centers as well as scientists and professionals involved in human genetics. The postgraduate course in human genetics intends to fulfil the need of a growing number of professions in which a full theoretical basis of all aspects of human genetics is useful or required. In the industry, health care, diagnostics as well as in certain areas of research, such knowledge is wanted. Within the Belgian genetics centers, the course will provide a uniform and adequate theoretical basis for all those taking up responsibilities in human genetics-related activities.         

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