General objectives
This bachelor's programme offers a general approach to computer science in the context of basic university training. The bachelor's programme leads to the title of " Bachelor of Computer Science" and upon completion of this first cycle of studies, the student will be granted access to the master's programme in Computer Science.
This university-level training in computer science prepare future specialists capable of creating and elaborating complex and efficient computing systems that satisfy the numerous and ever-increasing needs in our society. It thus trains "software creators" rateco than pure programmers. More specifically, the bachelor's programme in computer science aims at the acquisition of the following technical competences and skills :
- Gaining an in-depth understanding of the basic essentials needed to design and implement simple software systems;
- Mastering the underlying foundations of computer science;
- Developing the reasoning and abstraction abilities necessary for the creation of such systems;
- Mastering the mathematical skills needed to carry out such reasoning;
- Acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for the future " master's in computer science" which will be orientated towards the engineering of more complex software system;
- Acquisition of a lasting 'know-how', readily adaptable to the continuously evolving field of computer science; learning how to learn.
Computer science comprises the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to develop and understand complex software systems. In addition to this technical and more applied knowledge, to become a professional computer scientist, the student has to develop some extra skills such as a creative ability and critical mindset. These studies also train students to become responsible young professionals, capable of apprehending the complex socio-economic world into which computing science is embedded, and to take decisions which are both technically sound and humanly responsible. The bachelor's programme in computer science thus aims at the acquisition of other competences, such as :
- Understanding the mechanisms which govern the socio-economic and/or technical environment in which a given computer system has to be deployed;
- Integration of the acquired technical competences and skills in a multidisciplinary context;
- Developing an intellectual curiosity, an analytic mind, a capacity for critical reflection, sound communication skills and the ability to organise and manage one's studies.
Objectives of the foundation studies
The objective of the basic university-level studies is to allow the student to acquire essential competences and skills in the areas of computer science, mathematics, science and technology, economics and management, human sciences and English.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
• Discrete structures;
• Programming Fundamentals;
• Algorithms and Complexity;
• Architecture of computers and operating systems;
• Program Design Method;
• Information management.
Moreover, the bachelor’s program is open to other disciplines. A solid basic education is offered in the following areas:
• Mathematics to model a situation and prove the accuracy of a statement;
• Statistics to be able to make a quantitative analysis of data;
• Economics, management and humanities to understand the socio-economic world in which IT tools are inserted.
• Model the problem and design one or more technical solutions to meet these specifications;
• Assess and classify these solutions in the light of all the criteria listed in the specifications: effectiveness, feasibility;
• Implement and test the selected solution.
• Commit collectively on a work plan, schedule and roles to keep;
• Make decisions as a team when there is a choice to make: either on technical solutions or on the organization of work to make the project.
• Argue and convince while adapting his communication to the language of the interlocutors: colleagues, clients, superiors;
• Communicate in graphical and schematic form, interpret a diagram, present the results of a task, structuring information;
• Read, analyse and use technical documentation (diagrams, tutorials, ...);
• Prepare written documents taking into account contextual requirements and social conventions (manual, documentation, project report);
• Make a persuasive oral presentation using modern communication techniques.
• Demonstrate critical attitude with respect to a technical solution, checking robustness and relevance in its context of use;
• Develop autonomously learning to remain competent in his field.