> Thierry Fichefet
> Vincent Lemaitre
Thierry Fichefet
Vincent Lemaitre


> Eric Deleersnijder
> Vincent Legat
Eric Deleersnijder
Vincent Legat


> Clément Lauzin
> Vincent Lemaitre
> Xavier Urbain
Clément Lauzin
Vincent Lemaitre
Xavier Urbain

> Giacomo Bruno
> Christophe Delaere
Giacomo Bruno
Christophe Delaere


> Céline Degrande
> Christian Walmsley Hagendorf
Céline Degrande
Christian Walmsley Hagendorf


> Michel Crucifix
> Francesco Ragone
Michel Crucifix
Francesco Ragone


> Fanny Desterbecq (coord.)
> Amandine Dumont (coord.)
> Marc Piwnik
Fanny Desterbecq
Amandine Dumont
Marc Piwnik

> Ahmed Adrioueche (coord.)
> Catherine Avery
> Amandine Dumont
> Ariane Halleux (coord.)
> Adrien Kefer (compensates Laura Lievens)
Ahmed Adrioueche
Catecoine Avery
Amandine Dumont
Ariane Halleux
Adrien Kefer
(compensates Laura Lievens)

> Ahmed Adrioueche (coord.)
> Catherine Avery (coord.)
> Amandine Dumont (coord.)
> Sandrine Jacob (coord.)
> Hila Peer
> Nevin Serbest
> Colleen Starrs
> Françoise Stas (coord.)
Ahmed Adrioueche
Catecoine Avery
Amandine Dumont
Sandrine Jacob
Hila Peer
Nevin Serbest
Colleen Starrs
Françoise Stas

The student chooses one teaching unit among

> Sébastien Dehorter (compensates Régis Burnet)
Dominique Martens
Sébastien Dehorter
(compensates Régis Burnet)
Dominique Martens

These credits are not counted within the 120 required credits.

> Stéphanie Merle
> Jean-Pierre Raskin (coord.)
Stéphanie Merle
Jean-Pierre Raskin

> Myriam De Kesel
> Jean-François Rees
Myriam De Kesel
Jean-François Rees

The student completes his.her training by choosing eiteco the annual module in physics, or a minor or additional module in the list proposed for the Bachelor in physics, for a total of 30 credits. He.she distributes the teaching units according to the following model: 10 credits during the second semester of the second annual unit, 10 or 15 credits during the first semester of the third annual unit and 10 or 5 credits during the second semester of the third annual unit.