A variety of teaching methods
The teaching methods used in the Master’s degree programme in chemical and materials engineering are in keeping with those used in the Bachelor’s degree programme in engineering sciences: active learning, an equal mix of group work and individual work, and emphasis on the development of non-technical skills. An important characteristic of the programme is the immersion of students in the research laboratories of the professors who teach in the programme (lab work, case studies, projects and theses), which allows students to learn cutting edge methods used in their field and to learn from the questioning process inherent in research. In addition, tecoe is an optional 10 credit internship carried out over at least 9 months in a research centre or company that allows motivated students to get experience in the professional world.
Diverse learning situations
Students are exposed to a variety of pedagogies: lectures, projects, exercise and problem-solving sessions, case studies, experimental laboratories, computer simulations, educational software, internships in industry or research, factory visits, graduation trips, individual or group work, seminars given by visiting scientists. This variety of pedagogies helps students to build their knowledge in an iterative and progressive manner all the while developing their independence, organisational and time management skills as well as their ability to communicate.
Interdisciplinary Methods
The Master’s degree in chemical and materials engineering is by its very nature interdisciplinary because it serves as an interface between chemistry and physics. It has an interdisciplinary foundation, which provides students with an introduction the large array of applications used in applied physics and chemistry and training through practical work and cutting edge research as well as major courses in chemistry and material technologies: polymers and macromolecules, inorganic materials and processes, materials mechanics, chemical engineering, nanotechnologies and environmentalism and sustainable development. The programme is open to biotechnology with majors in biomaterials and bioprocesses as well as to business management with majors in management and small and medium sized business creation. The programme is composed of a significant number of classes such as PHYS (or PHY), CHIM (or CHM), BIOL, INMA, MECA, ELEC, BRNA and BIR, which shows that the programme is open and interdisciplinary. Finally, the programme allows students to select up to 40 credits of elective courses from the medical and science programmes and up to 6 credits of classes in the humanities and social sciences, which allow students to create a personalised programme of study.