1st annual unitContent:Formation pluridisciplinaire en sciences humaines
q1 or q2 40h 5 creditsJoseph Amougou
Cours au choix1 parmiLESPO1114 Political ScienceEN
q1 or q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jonathan Piron (compensates Pierre Baudewyns)
> Min Reuchamps
Jonathan Piron (compensates Pierre Baudewyns)
LCOPS1124 PhilosophyFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Frogneux
> Charlotte Luyckx (compensates Sylvain Camilleri)
Nathalie Frogneux
LCOPS1125 Psychology and Social PsychologyFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Coralie Buxant
> Olivier Corneille
> Karl-Andrew Woltin
Coralie Buxant
LINGE1125 Study Skills Seminar in managementFR
q1+q2 30h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphanie Coster
> Evelyne Léonard
Stéphanie Coster
EconomieLECGE1115 Political EconomicsFR
q1 45h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Rigas Oikonomou
> Gonzague Vannoorenberghe
Rigas Oikonomou
GestionLECGE1113 Accounting IFR
q1 45h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Karine Cerrada Cristia
> Yves De Rongé
> Michel De Wolf
Karine Cerrada Cristia
Méthodes quantitativesLINGE1113 ProbabilityLINGE1114 Mathematics I: analysisSciences et technologieLINGE1122 Physics 1LINGE1115 Chemistry (Part 1)DroitLESPO1122 Foundations of LawFR
q1 or q2 40h 5 creditsPierre Bazier
LanguesLANGL1330 English intermediate level - 1st partEN
q1 or q2 20h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphanie Brabant
> Jean-Luc Delghust
> Aurélie Deneumoustier
> Fanny Desterbecq
Charlotte Diaz
> Marie Duelz
Jérémie Dupal
Ilenia Gallo
> Adrien Kefer (compensates Laura Lievens)
> Sandrine Mulkers (coord.)
> Marc Piwnik (coord.)
> Nevin Serbest
> Françoise Stas
> Anne-Julie Toubeau
Stéphanie Brabant
Deuxième langue étrangèreL'étudiant choisit et garde la même langue tout au long de son programme de bachelier
LALLE1230 Deutsch Mittelstufe IDE
q2 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Caroline Klein
> Ann Rinder (coord.)
Caroline Klein
LESPA1230 General Spanish for Economics (1st part)ES
q2 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Begona Garcia Migura
> Osvaldo Serey Mendoza (coord.)
Begona Garcia Migura
q2 15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Hilde Bosmans
> Valérie Dachy (coord.)
> Katrien De Rycke
> Jean-Luc Delghust
> Isabelle Demeulenaere
> Dag Houdmont
> Caroline Klein
> Simon Labate
> Marie-Laurence Lambrecht
Marie-Paule Vanelderen
> Marianne Verhaert
Hilde Bosmans
2nd annual unitContent:EconomieLECGE1212 Macroeconomics
q1 or q2 45h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Etienne De Callatay
> Hélène Latzer (compensates Fabio Mariani)
> Vincent Vandenberghe
Etienne De Callatay
LECGE1222 MicroeconomicsFR
q1 or q2 45h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Johannes Johnen
> Arastou Khatibi
> François Maniquet
Johannes Johnen
GestionMéthodes quantitativesLINGE1214 Furteco StatisticsLINGE1222 Multivariate Statistical AnalysisFR
q2 30h+15h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathan Uyttendaele (compensates Johan Segers)
Nathan Uyttendaele (compensates Johan Segers)
LINGE1216 Management Science: Deterministic modelsFR
q2 30h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Daniel De wolf (compensates Philippe Chevalier)
> Mathieu Van Vyve
Daniel De wolf (compensates Philippe Chevalier)
LINGE1225 Programming in Economics and ManagementSciences et technologieLINGE1213 PhysicsFR
q1 30h+30h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
Vincent Boucher
Vincent Boucher
LINGE1223 ChemistryDroitLECGE1221 Economic Law and TaxationLanguesLANGL1332 Business EnglishEN
q1+q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Catherine Avery
> Aurélie Deneumoustier
> Fanny Desterbecq
Charlotte Diaz
> Amandine Dumont (compensates Adrien Kefer)
> Ariane Halleux
> Lucille Meyers
> Sandrine Mulkers (coord.)
> Mark Theodore Pertuit
> Marc Piwnik (coord.)
Catecoine Avery
Deuxième langue étrangèreL'étudiant choisit et garde la même langue tout au long de son programme de bachelier
LALLE1332 German Intermediate IILNEER1332 Intermediate Dutch for business studiesNL
q1+q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Sarah Barroo (compensates Sara Jonkers)
> Hilde Bosmans (coord.)
> Hilde Bufkens
> Valérie Dachy
> Katrien De Rycke
> Isabelle Demeulenaere
> Sara Jonkers (coord.)
> Marie-Laurence Lambrecht
> Ann Rinder
Sarah Barroo (compensates Sara Jonkers)
Sciences religieuses1 parmi:
3rd annual unitContent:Formation pluridisciplinaire en sciences humainesLESPO1321 Economic, Political and Social EthicsEconomieLECGE1330 Industrial organizationLINGE1221 EconometricsGestionLINGE1321 MarketingLINGE1315 FinanceLINGE1224 Human ManagementLINGE1316 Production and Operations management
q1 30h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nishant Mishra (compensates Per Joakim Agrell)
> Pierre Semal
Nishant Mishra (compensates Per Joakim Agrell)
LECGE1315 Business StrategyMéthodes quantitativesSciences et technologieFR
q1 32.5h+7.5h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Francesco Contino
> Benoît Macq
Francesco Contino
q2 32.5h+7.5h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Paul Fisette
> Bernard Nysten
Paul Fisette
q1+q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Catherine Avery (compensates Marie Van Reet)
> Nicholas Gibbs
> Marielle Henriet (coord.)
> Sandrine Meirlaen
> Philippe Neyt
> Katherine Opello (coord.)
> Hila Peer (compensates Marie Van Reet)
> Mark Theodore Pertuit
> Charlotte Peters
> Françoise Stas
Catecoine Avery (compensates Marie Van Reet)
Deuxième langue étrangèreL'étudiant choisit et garde la même langue tout au long de son programme de bachelier
LALLE1532 Business German - B2 LevelDE
q1+q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Virginie Godin (coord.)
Joy Picrit (compensates Virginie Godin)
Virginie Godin (coord.)
LESPA1532 Spanish - B2.1 B2.2 levelsNL
q1+q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Hilde Bosmans
Marie De Plee (compensates Marianne Verhaert)
> Katrien De Rycke
Thérèse Gilles (compensates Marianne Verhaert)
> Simon Labate (compensates Marie-Laurence Lambrecht)
Hilde Bosmans