1. Vision of the diploma
Teaching geography to students in secondary education, such is the challenge that the aggregation student (didactics course) prepares to face. The vision of aggregation in geography (didactics course) is to provide him or her with an initial training that will enable the student to mobilize the necessary skills to start out effectively in the profession of teacher and to develop positively.
Today's teachers are called on to play an essential role for their students, so say the "mission decrees" of 24 July 1997:
- to promote self-confidence and the development of the person of each student;
- to show the students how to assimilate knowledge and acquire the skills to make them able to learn throughout their lives and take an active place in economic, social and cultural life;
- to prepare all students to become responsible citizens, capable of contributing to the development of a democratic, solidarist, pluralist society open to oteco cultures;
- to guarantee all students equal opportunities for social emancipation.
The initial teacher training is based on the command of existing skills and abilities (developed in part in the core of the programme) that the student must mobilize and developing through different aggregation activities (didactics course):
- the knowledge and discipline(s) to be taught;
- clear, correct communication in the language of teaching, both oral and written;
- a critical, autonomous relation with the reference knowledge (scientific and cultural);
- relational capacities associated with the profile of the profession;
- a rich general knowledge and an openness to the diversity of cultures allowing future students to be made receptive to the world;
- the concern of participating in the role of democratization of the school.
2. The referential of skills and abilities acquired through training defining the output profile of diplomas on completion of aggregation in geography (didactics course)
At the end of the programme of aggregation in geography (didactics course) the graduate will have acquired and demonstrated command of the knowledge and skills mentioned below. These latter are defined in reference in the Decree of 8 February 2001 on the initial training for upper secondary education aggregation.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1.2. Mobilizing knowledge in human sciences for a correct interpretation of situations experienced in and around the classroom and for a better adaptation to school publics.
1.3. Mastering and mobilizing the communicational and relational skills essential for exercising the profession of teacher.
1.4. Dialoguing and collaborating constructively with the education partners involved in the training activities (in seminars and training courses: headmasters, supervisors, course leaders and other persons in the training course).
2.2. Acquiring and using the didactics and disciplinary epistemology that guide pedagogic action.
2.3. Transposing reference learned knowledge and cultural practices into taught knowledge.
2.4. Conceiving and planning teaching-training situations, including assessment, according to the students concerned and in connection with the skills referentials and programmes.
2.5. Steering and adjusting the implementation of teaching-training situations.
2.6. Being capable of commanding new disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge to be taught.
2.7. Exploring new approaches and disciplinary, interdisciplinary and technological pedagogic tools.
2.8. In more specific (or complementary) way, for the teaching of geography, the graduate is capable of maîtriser différents outils et stratégies pour apprendre aux élèves à produire des commentaires personnels et autonomes.
3.2. Challenging one's initial representations and conceptions with a view to developing them.
3.3. Adopting a reflective attitude on one's teaching practices with reference to didactic and pedagogic principles and research in education.
3.4. Integrating a logic of continuous apprenticeship and development essential for developing positively in the school environment, linked to societal reality.