As actors in the field of health sciences, pharmacists are experts on the subject of medication.
From design to production, from pharmaceutical research to marketing the product, from collating information to distributing it, pharmacy graduates are preparing for employment as pharmacists in a number of professional environments, at each stage of the medication process.
This Master's programme is designed to produce health professionals in such diverse environments as the pharmacy (dispensary) open to the public, the academic world, hospitals or industry. This diversity is based on a solid scientific framework which ultimately seeks to improve patient health.
The training offered by the School of Pharmacy relies on the combined expertise of instructors who are researchers and instructors who are practitioners. It provides students with a number of opportunities to develop their know-how and their ability to master the various roles of the modern pharmacist: laboratories, work placements, research projects and classes are all included in the two years of the Master's programme.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1b. Assimilate a specialised knowledge base in chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology, toxicology and galenic pharmacy useful in the synthesis, design, formulation, evaluation, dispensing and control of medicinal drugs.
1c. Assimilate and use a detailed knowledge base in nutrition, pathology, pharmacotecoapy, therapeutics and semiology in order to understand patients in all their complexity.
2b. Select an appropriate response and apply a solution in their professional practice, in particular to
- formulate, produce and control a medication
- develop a pharmaceutical care plan *
2c. Comply with the legal, ethical and deontological requirements so as to act in a responsible and professional manner for the patient and society.
2d. Be the first responder in an emergency situation.
3b. Monitor the selected response and apply any necessary modifications.
3c. Collect and communicate information relating to the safety of use of the medication (pharmacovigilance).
3d. Operate as part of a multidisciplinary team.
4b. Tailor their communication to the target audience in order to obtain and provide clear information.
4c. Use information and communication technologies appropriately with regard to their professional practice.
4d. Respect confidentiality in their professional practice.
5b. Summarise the key and necessary elements related to the problem or issue concerned.
5c. Display command of the relevant and pertinent tools and sources of information related to the problem or issue concerned.
5d. Analyse, understand and compare specialised information in a critical and expert manner.
5e. Select an appropriate response and apply a solution in their professional practice, in particular to design and validate an experimental protocol.
6b. Conduct themselves as key and responsible actors, with public health issues a priority concern.
6c. Identify the competent professional to whom a request outside the scope of their activities should be transferred.
7b. Identify and utilise individual and collective lifelong learning tools in an independent, critical and robust manner.
7c. Update and expand their knowledge base and skills independently to ensure that their knowledge and practices are constantly improved.
7d. Evaluate the work of colleagues to contribute to the improvement of knowledge and practices.