The 120 credit programme of the Master in Public Health (ESP120) is designed for students from very different backgrounds, many of whom will already have professional experience. This Master provides a second cycle training programme, the aim of which is to enable its graduates to take up a management post (executive, assessor, expert, manager) in the different areas of public health. Public health aims to improve and prolong life through collective action to combat disease, promote a healthy environment and organize high quality medical, nursing and paramedical services accessible to all.
Course objectives
The research focus in public health prepares students for research in public health. Since public health is defined more by its objectives than by a theoretical framework, research in public health relates to knowledge which aims to reduce illness and maintain and promote health in the general population. The planning of studies, the collection and analysis of data and health policies and programmes are the foundation of the programme. Depending on their objectives and previous experience, students may choose to do more advanced training in epidemiology and clinical research or in health policies and systems. These two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.
The programme is also designed as much for recent bachelors or holders of a Master’s degree as for health professionals who wish to improve their analytical skills. It aims to train researchers who are able to respond to health issues in Belgium or elsewhere. Participation by students from developing countries is particularly encouraged.
Although the research focus of the Master in Public Health gives direct access to the doctoral programme for qualified researchers, this degree can also lead on to employment ; graduated may supervise research on health carried out by governments, non-government organizations (NGOs), care institutions or private companies.
The professional focus enables students to gain university level skills combining techniques and skills for questioning, based on interdisciplinarity, scientific rigour and the results of research in the areas of management of care institutions, health promotion and patient education, community health programmes or nursing. In particular, graduates will :
- demonstrate their ability to take the initiative and take responsibility in the professional situations they have to deal with ;
- have developed practical intelligence in situations which is based on knowledge that can be transferred to new situations. In oteco words to know how to learn and to transpose knowledge;
- be able to mobilize a network of players in similar situations, to encourage them to share challenges and take on joint responsibilities ;
- be able to become committed and involved.
The option courses for the professional focus are :
Management of care institutions
The programme is designed for students who wish to acquire and/or improve their skills in the field of management of care institutions such as hospitals, convalescent homes and care homes. These skills include :
- conforming with legal and administrative requirements,
- understanding logistical or technical problems,
- leading teams,
- management : being able to devise, plan, organize and assess resources, means and processes and interventions,
- project management,
- information and communication with people and the institution in order to promote good, ethical management practice.
Graduates of this programme will have acquired, in these fields, university-level skills combining techniques and skills for questioning, based on interdisciplinarity, scientific rigour and the results of research.
Health and patient education
This Master is designed for professionals in the fields of health, medico-social work and education who wish to acquire and/or develop university-level skills to devise, plan, coordinate, manage and/or assess action in the field of health and patient education. .
Graduates of this programme will have acquired, in these fields, university-level skills combining techniques and skills for questioning, based on interdisciplinarity, scientific rigour and the results of research.
Community health policies and programmes
By the end of the programme, students will be able to
1. make a community diagnosis, that is to say identify the priority medico-social problems of a community or a target group, as well as the health factors which influence them,
2. devise, plan, implement and assess community health programmes relevant to the problems selected, by enlisting community participation,
3. organize information and communicate it throughout with the different players (political authorities, target group, general population, professionals, managers of community health and other institutions such as hospitals and schools),
4. take responsibility for coordinating health programmes within a structure or a region, manage the staff, technical and financial resources to ensure that they are long-lasting.
Clinical nursing
This option course is designed to train health professionals able to take on leadership in care and nursing services and to contribute to the development of knowledge and practice in nursing. These professionals will play a key role in the improvement of care and health services, in the training of nurses and in the administration of nursing services in a variety of settings.
By the end of the programme, students will be have developed skills enabling them to
- analyze complex clinical situations in situations both in and outside hospital.
- take decisions adapted to the special situation of the patient, whilst taking the priorities into consideration.
- establish a relationship of trust, partnership and help with the patient and his close family.
- initiate and encourage the updating of innovative practices in nursing.
- draw up and update procedures and protocols and adapt them to the care situation.
- make use of all the dimensions of the health system in the care situation.
- direct patients to suitable services and make sure they are monitored.
- assess the information and training needs (patients, close relations, team), respond and share knowledge with other health professionals.
- play the role of a consultant : to lead discussions and guidance activities.
- develop better self-understanding with a view to managing stress and resisting pressure.
- develop assertive behaviour patterns with a view to collaborating with the team and all the internal and external structures.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
- état de santé,
- inégalités en matière de santé,
- déterminants de la santé et de la maladie,
- stratégies de promotion de la santé : prévention, protection, communication et éducation,
- système et services de santé (organisation, financement, utilisation).
1.2 Démontrer une compréhension des structures, du financement et de l’organisation de la santé publique et des services de santé/soins à l’échelle locale, nationale et supranationale.
1.3 Appliquer dans sa pratique les sciences de la santé publique : épidémiologie, sciences humaines (économie, sociologie, psychologie,….), biostatistique
1.4 S’appuyer, dans sa pratique, sur des données et des résultats fiables de recherches (evidence-based practice)
L'étudiant démontrera également des savoirs et des capacités de mise en œuvre hautement spécialisés dans un ou deux domaines de la santé publique (cours au choix, options, …), en fonction de son projet professionnel.
2.2 Identifier les sources d’information fiables et appropriées, y compris celles provenant des milieux communautaires et, le cas échéant, s’adapter à la diversité des données par des méthodes adéquates (modélisation, etc).
2.3 Interpréter l’information en considérant le contexte éthique, politique, scientifique, socioculturel et économique.
2.4 Recommander des actions spécifiques au terme de l’analyse des données.
3.2. Démontrer les habiletés requises pour identifier des occasions de formation continue dans le champ de la santé publique.
3.3. Evaluer ses pratiques et celles de collaborateurs pour contribuer à l’amélioration des acquis et pratiques.
Il sera notamment capable de transmettre une information adéquate et correcte sur des thématiques sujettes à l’incertitude (par exemple, dans le cas de gestion d’épidémie, de planification d’intervention en santé publique, etc).
4.2 Mobiliser les individus et les collectivités en utilisant les médias appropriés et les ressources communautaires.
4.3 Utiliser les technologies modernes pour communiquer efficacement.
4.4. Rédiger de manière claire et rigoureuse des résultats d'analyse et de recherche. Sous forme de rapports, de document de projet, etc
5.2 Tenir compte de la diversité de la population, publics cibles et acteurs de santé dans la planification, la mise en œuvre, la gestion, l’adaptation et l’évaluation des interventions et des programmes.
6.2 Utiliser/développer des habiletés de mobilisation, négociation, gestion de conflits et d’animation de groupes.
6.3 Concilier/négocier les divers intérêts visant l’amélioration de la santé et du bien-être
6.4. Argumenter, écrire ou agir en faveur d’une cause, d’une politique ou d’un groupe de personnes pour réduire les inégalités de santé, favoriser l’accès aux services de santé et promouvoir l'utilisation efficiente des ressources.
7.2 Développer des compétences réflexives et auto-régulatrices en lien avec des problématiques de santé personnelles ou collectives.
7.3 Engager des actions pouvant contribuer à la préservation ou l'amélioration de leur santé, et accompagner leur démarche, notamment en soutenant la motivation à des actions positives.
8.1 A la description des implications des choix opérés en matière d’intervention, en particulier ceux s’adressant aux déterminants de la santé, y inclus les déterminants économiques, et à la recommandation ou au choix d’une piste d’action.
8.2 A l’élaboration un plan de mise en œuvre tenant compte des contraintes du contexte, notamment sociales, économiques, légales et éthiques.
8.3 A la mise en œuvre adaptative du plan, en gérant le risque et l’incertitude inhérents au contexte réel (économiques, social, légal, éthique).
8.4. Au management au financement et à la gestion des programmes de santé, de développement des institutions ou des systèmes de soins de santé
8.5 A l’évaluation des interventions et des programmes (efficacité, équité, efficience, impact).
9.2. Situer son action dans une démarche stratégique
8.3 Mobiliser les personnes, les équipes, l’information et les ressources, en interdisciplinarité et en tenant compte des principes éthiques de la santé publique
9.4 Démontrer une habileté à renforcer les capacités communautaires et/ou institutionnelles par le partage des savoirs et du pouvoir.
9.5 Faire évoluer une situation, une communauté ou une organisation par des solutions innovantes et appropriées, tenant compte du contexte