Programme structure

Learning Outcomes

The Specialization Master in science and management of the environment and sustainable development trains graduates able to dialogue (to understand and to be understood) with experts from different disciplines involved in the management of environmental issues and sustainable development (economics, environmental sciences, ethical, societal and technical aspects in a systemic approach), and with all stakeholders. The master prepares them to make decisions and to take action to solve problems in the fields of environment and sustainable development. This training tecoefore entails a solid teaching sweeping covering all aspects related to natural sciences related to the environment, as well as economics, social, demographic, legal and political aspects, all related to the environment.

The program of the interdisciplinary Specialized Master in science and management of the environment and sustainable development is structured as follows:

1. The core of the curriculum :

• mandatory common specific activities, disciplinary and interdisciplinary

• interdisciplinary integrative activities

• an internship in a professional environment

• a personal report on the internship


2. Disciplinary reinforcement activities. These activities allow students from different backgrounds to learn the basics in disciplines that have not been the subject of their initial training. Students must have completed training in these various disciplines; they can be exempted in the framework of the ENVI2MC Master if they have succeeded (> 12/20) equivalent courses at the university level.


3. A program of courses chosen within a pre-established field or selected among courses offered in several fields

Each individual program must  be approved by the program coordinator.