1st annual unitMajorMathematics, data analysisLBIR1110 Introduction to analysisLBIR1111 Complément d'analyse et d'algèbre
q2 30h+30h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
François Renaud (compensates Marino Gran)
François Renaud (compensates Marino Gran)
Sciences et ingénierie de la matière et des procédésLBIR1140 Chimie générale 1FR
q1 30h+30h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Pierre Delmelle (coord.)
> Charles-André Fustin
> Michel Ghislain (coord.)
Pierre Delmelle (coord.)
LCHM1141B Organic chemistryFR
q2 30h+30h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Benjamin Elias (coord.)
> Charles-André Fustin
Benjamin Elias (coord.)
LBIR1121 General MechanicsFR
q1 30h+30h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Laurent Delannay
> Eric Deleersnijder (coord.)
Laurent Delannay
LBIR1122 Thermodynamique et électromagnétismeLife SciencesLBIR1150 Cell BiologyFR
q1 30h+15h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Patrick Dumont
> Charles Hachez (coord.)
Patrick Dumont
LBIR1151 Biologie de l'organismeFR
q2 30h+30h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Guillaume Lobet
> Jean-François Rees (coord.)
Guillaume Lobet
Sciences du globe et des écosystèmesLBIR1130 Introduction to Earth sciencesFR
q2 30h+30h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Pierre Delmelle (coord.)
> Sophie Opfergelt
> Sophie Opfergelt (compensates Pierre Delmelle)
Pierre Delmelle (coord.)
Human SciencesEN
q1 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Adrien Kefer (compensates Laura Lievens)
> Sandrine Meirlaen (coord.)
> Hila Peer
> Anne-Julie Toubeau (coord.)
Adrien Kefer (compensates Laura Lievens)
Projects and Soft skillsLBIR1170 Projet appliqué en ChimieFR
q2 30h+60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Christine Dupont (coord.)
> Michel Ghislain
> Thibaut Huybrechts (compensates Christine Dupont)
Christine Dupont (coord.)
2nd annual unitMajorMathematics, data analysisLBIR1211 Analysis of multivariate functionsLBIR1212 Probabilities and statistics (I)Sciences et ingénierie de la matière et des procédésLBIR1221 Wave, optical and modern physicsLCHM1211A Chimie générale 2
q2 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Michel Devillers
> Tom Leyssens (compensates Geoffroy Hautier)
Michel Devillers
Life SciencesLBIR1250 Biochemistry IFR
q1 30h+15h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Michel Ghislain
> Yvan Larondelle (coord.)
Michel Ghislain
LBIR1251 Biologie et Physiologie végétaleLBIR1252 Physiologie animaleFR
q2 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Cathy Debier (coord.)
> Isabelle Donnay
Cathy Debier (coord.)
Sciences du globe et des écosystèmesFR
q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Philippe Baret (coord.)
> Pierre Defourny
> Brieuc Hardy (compensates Pierre Delmelle)
Philippe Baret (coord.)
Human SciencesEN
q2 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Amandine Dumont
> Ariane Halleux
> Sandrine Meirlaen (coord.)
> Charlotte Peters
> Anne-Julie Toubeau (coord.)
Amandine Dumont
LBIR1260 Principles of economicsLSC1120A PhilosophyProjects and Soft skillsFR
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Yannick Agnan
> Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.)
Yannick Agnan
q2 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Patrick Bogaert
> Emmanuel Hanert (coord.)
> Marnik Vanclooster
Patrick Bogaert
3rd annual unitMajorMathematics, data analysisLBIR1315 Probability and statistics IILBIR1351 Introduction to systems analysisSciences et ingénierie de la matière et des procédés
q1 37.5h+22.5h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Yann Bartosiewicz
> Mathieu Javaux
> Marnik Vanclooster
Yann Bartosiewicz
LBIR1349 Chimie analytique IFR
q1 30h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Christine Dupont (coord.)
> Yann Garcia (coord.)
Christine Dupont (coord.)
Life SciencesLBIR1350 General MicrobiologyHuman SciencesEN
q2 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Ahmed Adrioueche
> Maïté Dupont
> Dominique François
> Lucille Meyers
> Hila Peer (compensates Marie Van Reet)
> Charlotte Peters
> Adrien Pham (coord.)
> Anne-Julie Toubeau
Ahmed Adrioueche
LBIR1360 Firm management and organisationFR
60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> David Alsteens
> Charles Bielders
> Cathy Debier
> Stephan Declerck
> Eric Gaigneaux (coord.)
> Michel Ghislain
David Alsteens
Choice of an optionAgronomyEN
q1 22.5h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Charles Bielders
> Hugues Goosse
> Marnik Vanclooster
Charles Bielders
q2 22.5h+30h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Yannick Agnan
> Richard Lambert
> Caroline Vincke
Yannick Agnan
LBIR1352A Génétique générale - partim ALBIR1352B Génétique générale - partim BLBIR1353 Biologie intégrativeFR
q1 22.5h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Guillaume Lobet
> Stanley Lutts (coord.)
> Muriel Quinet
Guillaume Lobet
LBIR1354 Biologie des interactionsFR
q2 22.5h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.)
> Anne Legrève
Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.)
q2 22.5h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Michel Ghislain (coord.)
> Yvan Larondelle
Michel Ghislain (coord.)
LBIR1362 Environmental EconomicsActivités au choixChemistryFR
q2 22.5h+22.5h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Eric Gaigneaux (coord.)
> Xavier Gonze
Eric Gaigneaux (coord.)
q1 30h+45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Christine Dupont (coord.)
> Thibaut Huybrechts (compensates Christine Dupont)
Christine Dupont (coord.)
LBIR1346 Surface and colloid chemistryFR
q2 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Christine Dupont (coord.)
> Aurélien vander Straeten (compensates Christine Dupont)
Christine Dupont (coord.)
q2 22.5h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Michel Ghislain (coord.)
> Yvan Larondelle
Michel Ghislain (coord.)
One course to be chosen amongst the follwong two:En fonction de l'activité choisie, l'étudiant·e prend 10 ou 11 crédits d'activité au choix libre.
LBIR1352A Génétique générale - partim AFR
q2 0h+30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Yann Bartosiewicz
> Mathieu Javaux
> Marnik Vanclooster
Yann Bartosiewicz
Activités au choixCourses to reach 32 credits of the option. Courses to choose regarding advices that have been communicated during the information meeting.
From 10 to 11credit(s)EnvironmentFR
q2 0h+30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Yann Bartosiewicz
> Mathieu Javaux
> Marnik Vanclooster
Yann Bartosiewicz
q1 45h+22.5h 6 creditsTeacher(s):
> Alice Alonso (compensates Marnik Vanclooster)
> Charles Bielders (coord.)
> Hugues Goosse
Alice Alonso (compensates Marnik Vanclooster)
LBIR1334 Introduction to forestry sciencesFR
q2 22.5h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Quentin Ponette (coord.)
> Caroline Vincke
Quentin Ponette (coord.)
q2 30h+37.5h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Yannick Agnan (coord.)
> Richard Lambert
> Caroline Vincke
Yannick Agnan (coord.)
LBIR1354 Biologie des interactionsFR
q2 22.5h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.)
> Anne Legrève
Anne-Laure Jacquemart (coord.)
LBIR1362 Environmental EconomicsActivités au choixCourses to reach 32 credits of the option. Courses to choose regarding advices that have been communicated during the information meeting.
From 10 to 11credit(s)
From 10 to 11credit(s)