Course prerequisites

The table below lists the activities (course units, or CUs) for which tecoe are one or more prerequisites within the programme, i.e. the programme CU for which the learning outcomes must be certified and the corresponding credits awarded by the jury before registering for that CU.

These activities are also identified in the detailed programme: their title is followed by a yellow square.

Prerequisites and student's annual programme

As the prerequisite is for CU registration puposes only, tecoe are no prerequisites within a programme year. Prerequisites are defined between CUs of different years and therefore influence the order in which the student will be able to register for the programme's CUs.

In addition, when the jury validates a student's individual programme at the beginning of the year, it ensures its coherence, meaning that it may:

  • transform a prerequisite into a corequisite within the same year (to enable the student to continue his or her studies with a sufficient annual course load)
  • require the student to combine registration in two separate CUs which it considers necessary from a pedagogical point of view.

For more information, please consult the Academic Regulations and Procedures (

# Prerequisities list
LALLE1300 "Allemand General – utilisateur indépendant – niveau seuil" has prerequisite(s) LALLE1100
LALLE1500 "Allemand General – utilisateur indépendant – niveau avancé" has prerequisite(s) LALLE1300
LANGL1972 "Anglais II pour ingénieurs civils architectes" has prerequisite(s) LANGL1971
LANGL1973 "English Communication Skills for Architecture and Engineering" has prerequisite(s) LANGL1972
LEPL1203A "Physique 3 A" has prerequisite(s) LEPL1202
LESPA1300 "Espagnol niveau moyen" has prerequisite(s) LESPA1100
LESPA1500 "Espagnol - Niveau approfondi (B1.2 - B2.1)" has prerequisite(s) LESPA1300
LGCIV1022 "Mécanique des structures" has prerequisite(s) LEPL1101 ET LEPL1102 ET LEPL1105 ET LEPL1201 ET LEPL1202
LGCIV1023 "Stabilité des constructions" has prerequisite(s) LGCIV1031 ET LGCIV1022
LGCIV1032 "Structures en béton armé" has prerequisite(s) LGCIV1031 ET LGCIV1022
LGCIV1051A "hydraulique" has prerequisite(s) LEPL1202
LGCIV1072 "Mécanique des sols" has prerequisite(s) LGCIV1031
LICAR1102 "Approche croisée de l'architecture 2 : philosophie et esthétique" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1101
LICAR1111 "Structures mathématiques des espaces" has prerequisite(s) LEPL1101
LICAR1202 "Théorie de l'architecture 2 : les théories" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1201
LICAR1203 "Théorie de l'architecture 3 : la composition" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1202
LICAR1504 "Dessin 4 : la présentation et ses techniques" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1501 ET LICAR1502 ET LICAR1503
LICAR1602 "Atelier 2 : Histoire et Habitat" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1601
LICAR1603 "Atelier 3 : Institution et Edifice" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1601
LICAR1604 "Atelier 4 : Ville et Edifice" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1601
LICAR1605 "Atelier 5 : orientation Architecture, Technologie et Développement durable" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1601 ET LICAR1602 ET LICAR1603 ET LICAR1604
LICAR1606 "Atelier 6 : Orientation Architecture, Ville, Paysage" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1601 ET LICAR1602 ET LICAR1603 ET LICAR1604
LICAR1607 "Atelier 7 : Synthèse" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1601 ET LICAR1602 ET LICAR1603 ET LICAR1604
LICAR1702 "Structures architecturales 2 : problématiques et approches de conception" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1701
LICAR1711 "Compléments de statique" has prerequisite(s) LEPL1101 ET LEPL1102 ET LEPL1105 ET LEPL1201 ET LEPL1202
LICAR1812 "Mises en oeuvre 2" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1801
LICAR1821 "Edification soutenable 1 : construction et performances" has prerequisite(s) LICAR1801
LNEER1500 "Interfac - Néerlandais général et académique - Niveau approfondi" has prerequisite(s) LNEER1300